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Selected publications

We present here a selection of recent publications from Sleep & Mind that gives an overview of the methods and topics that we focus on.

REM-sleep in processing of shame

Self-Conscious Affect Is Modulated by Rapid Eye Movement Sleep but Not by Targeted Memory Reactivation–A Pilot Study

We used targeted memory reactivation method to investigate how sleep processes emotions. We found that the quality of REMS as well as on individual vulnerability toward the stressor type influenced emotional reactivity to psychosocial stress.

Endogenous circadian rhythms

Data-driven mod­el­ling approach to cir­ca­dian tem­per­at­ure rhythm pro­files in free-liv­ing con­di­tions

Our recent study utilized a data-driven modelling approach to circadian temperature rhythm profiles. We investigated the circadian rhythms of adolescents, and were able to detect three distinct profiles according to their individual temperature rhythms. 

Stress during pandemic and dream content analysis

Pandemic Dreams: Network Analysis of Dream Content During the COVID-19 Lockdown

We used crowdsourcing (CS) to examine how COVID-19 lockdown affects the content of dreams and nightmares. The CS took place on the sixth week of the lockdown. We transcribed the content of the dreams into word lists and performed unsupervised computational network and cluster analysis of word associations, which suggested 33 dream clusters including 20 bad dream clusters, of which 55% were pandemic-specific. The article was spread widely in the international press.

Recent publications