We also collaborate with different vocational institutions lecturing animal welfare-related subjects, and lecture for NGOs, authorities, schools etc. interested stakeholders.
We have organized free public seminars "Animal welfare forum" yearly, since 2008. In these seminars were we highlight recent research results and science behind relevant animal welfare issues.
18.–19.9.2025 7th annual meeting of the European Veterinary Congress of behavioural medicine and animal welfare
27.1.2023 Sikojen ymmärtävä käsittely
17. - 18.1.2018 Nordic ISAE seminar
5.11.2018 Eläinten hyvinvointifoorumi 2018 (Animal welfare forum 2018, partly in english)
6. - 8.11.2018 Understanding animal pain - a PhD course
7.8. From peak to tail - mechanisms underlying damaging behaviour in laying hens and pigs
26.8. Workshop on animal ethics for veterinarians (only in Finnish)
4.12. Eläinten hyvinvointifoorumi (Animal welfare forum) 2017 (only in Finnish)
4. - 6.10. Meeting and Webinar on Actions to Prevent Tailbiting and Reduce Tail docking of Pigs
21.-24.11. NOVA & CVM PhD course: Animal welfare from fork to farm
24.11. Welfare Quality Network Seminar
8.12. Eläinten hyvinvointifoorumi (Animal welfare forum) 2016 (only in Finnish)