The grants are awarded on a competitive basis for a research that ties directly with the themes of ReNEW.
Call for applications for mobility, workshop and open access grants for 2020 published!
Dead-line 15 November 2019.
Submit your application electronically here:
Apply for RENEW Early Career Mobility Funding
Apply for RENEW Senior Researcher Mobility Funding
Apply for RENEW Workshop Funding
Apply for RENEW Open Access Funding
ReNEW mobility scheme is intended to intensify research collaboration and exchange of scholars. The grants are available for research stays in the participating universities, in ReNEW’s strategic international partners, and where relevant, in other universities or departments that are engaged in research relevant to ReNEW.
Mobility grants are available for research stays from two weeks to 12 months. Mobility grants cover travel and accommodation costs, but not salary. Grant recipients must comply with the administrative rules for travel of the granting university. The receiving institution commits to provide a work-related infrastructure, and to facilitate integration of mobility candidates into the academic community.
The criteria against which applicants for mobility grant are assessed:
ReNEW workshops have multiple purposes, such as, to explore research ideas, to pursue on-going cooperation in the context of a joint publication, to fund smaller start-up projects, to contribute to outreach or other activities. Grant covers travel of participants, hosting of the workshop, meals during the workshop and other relevant costs. Grant recipients must comply with the administrative rules for events of the granting university. We expect workshops to most often take place at a ReNEW partner university. The workshop, as part of international research collaboration, should aim to include the most relevant scholars in a particular sub-field of relevance of ReNEW.
The following are the criteria for funding:
ReNEW open access support aims at a broader dissemination of research on Norden, especially in a global context. Open access support can be applied for on a competitive basis for publications within the themes of ReNEW. Open access support is available for payment of open access fees for books, journal articles and book chapters. The publication must have been published within a year or will be published in the next six months. Access will be for gold or green open access.
The criteria according to which open access grants are assessed: