
The aim of our research is to increase understanding the behaviour of radionuclides in the atmosphere and terrestrial environment. Our group has been work­ing in De­part­ment of Chem­istry since early 2000s. Al­to­gether we have al­most 50 years' ex­per­i­ence in en­vir­on­mental ra­dio­activ­ity, ra­di­oeco­logy and at­mo­spheric ra­dio­activ­ity.

Research projects and group members

Radioecology group consists of Ph.D. Susanna Salminen-Paatero, Ph.D., docent Jussi Paatero, and occasional students. The group has been participating to research projects dealing with radioecology, radioanalytical method development, atmospheric radioactivity, etc. both with Nordic and EU partners. The projects have been funded by foundations, NKS, and EU.

News of Radioecology group
Funding and collaboration