Contact the Radioecology Group

We are at your service!

For co-operation, we offer our expertise, sample archive and detection techniques

. Please contact us, if you're interested in executing a co-operation project! Our expertise include:

o radionuclide separations by ion exchange and extraction chromatography (Np, Pu, Am, Cm, U, Th, Sr)

o activity concentrations and isotope ratios of radionuclides in environmental samples

o development and refining of new radioanalytical methods

x air filters

x lichens

x reindeer samples

x peat samples

x vegetation samples

- gamma spectrometry

- alpha spectrometry

- liquid scintillation counting

- ICP-MS (access to several instruments in UH)

Contact information:

Susanna Salminen-Paatero

tel. +358 50 448 67 20

Jussi Paatero

tel. +358 50 044 15 60