Seeking for a Master thesis worker! Etsitään gradutyöntekijää!
Master thesis ”Difficult-to-measure radionuclides in activated concrete” is associated with national KYT-DEMONI and Nordic NKS DTM Decom II projects. Activated concrete has been selected for sample matrix because it’s among the most important materials in nuclear decommissioning, mainly due to its large volume. The Master thesis work includes literature survey, method development, testing and validation for both non-volatile radionuclides (Ca-41, Fe-55 and Ni-63) and volatile radionuclides (H-3, C-14 and Cl-36) in activated concrete. The thesis worker will learn several radiochemical separation techniques and different determination methods used in analysis of DTM (difficult-to-measure) radionuclides, e.g. extraction chromatography, ion exchange, liquid scintillation counting, pyrolyser, ICP-OES and MP-AES.