If you are interested in accessing our facilities for collaborative research purposes, or you would like to engage us in consultancy / service work, please contact us. Projects will be tailored to fit your specific needs and executed by our skilled staff. Service /consultancy projects are charged on a case by case basis.
The Radiochemistry Unit TRIM group also offer services involving PET and SPECT radiotracers to academic and industrial customers through participation in the Helsinki In Vivo Animal Imaging Platform (HAIP) at the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE). Services include but are not limited to: custom radiosynthesis development; radiotracer production; in vitro and in vivo biological evaluation; and autoradiography. A more detailed description of these services and user fees can be found here. More information can also be provided by Prof. Anu Airaksinen.
The Radiochemistry Unit's facilities / analytical equipment includes:
Sample handling and isotope production
Other analytical techniques