Nature-Based Solutions Research Group concentrates to solve globally significant environmental problems. Research objects range from micro-organisms to ecosystems and to people prone to manmade environmental changes. The outburst of immune-mediated diseases, biodiversity loss, urban pollution and plant invasiveness are interrelated, and our group is working in multidisciplinary research initiatives to minimize the consequences. The major research projects of the group are ADELE – Immune defense and living environment, NATUREWELL and HEDIMED. ADELE and ImmunoGarden are funded by Business Finland, NATUREWELL by the Academy of Finland and HEDIMED by the European Union. ADELE aims for indoor solutions that can be scaled up to reduce the probability of immune mediated diseases. ImmunoGarden targets to develop organic gardening materials, mineral soil materials and plant-based solutions that combine positive effects on immune system with high end user value. NATUREWELL examines how interacting with nature affects the well-being and health of young people. HEDIMED (Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases) is a Horizon 2020 RIA initiative, and the focus of Nature-Based Solutions Research Group is the ecological characterization of general external environment.