Two researchers from Prof. Santos' Lab, Dr. Yaping Ding and PhD student Patrícia Figueiredo, received two grants worth 18.5 k€

Many congrats to Dr. Yaping Ding and Patrícia Figueiredo for the research grants from Orion Research Foundation in 2018

Dr. Ding Yaping will study the "Controlled Drug Delivery in Bioactive Hydrogel Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Therapeutics", and Patrícia Figueiredo will study "Lignin Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications"

I am very proud of both you! Really excellent news!

Many thanks to Orion Pharma to continue supporting our research!

Orion Research Foundation sr distributed 990,000 € in research grants based on applications for 2018, of which 25,000 € for 21 researchers for postdoctoral research and 5,000 € for 139 young researchers for doctoral dissertation work.

Read more on the Orion Research Foundation website