Prof. Santos will act as Guest Co-Editor for Advanced Therapeutics Special Issue on "Advanced Nanosystems for Clinical Translation"

This special issue will bring together top researchers from around the world with a vast experience in the field of nanomedicine to document how to foster basic science in translational and personalized nanomedicine in drug delivery applications, including anti-cancer research, regenerative medicine, cardiovascular diseases, polymer science, and supramolecular chemistry towards a reliable pre-clinical and clinical assessment.

The special issue in the journal Advanced Therapeutics will be guested by Prof. Hélder A. Santos (University of Helsinki, Finland), Prof. Christian Celia (University of Chieti - Pescara "G. d'Annunzio", Italy), and Prof. Donatella Paolino (University of Catanzaro "Magna Graecia", Italy).

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology, ranging from applications of nanomaterials and biological devices to nano-electronic biosensors and future applications of molecular bio- and nanotechnology as well as drug delivery. Nanomedicine involves issues related to applications, toxicity, and environmental impact of nanoscale materials. Nanomaterials have sizes and structures similar to those of bio- and macromolecules and their functionalization provides specific properties for tailoring precision medicine against many diseases, thus providing different therapeutic options for patients. Based on this, nanomedicine integrates different fields, such as biology, physics, chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, and drug delivery to develop personalized medicines, clinical tools, and medical devices for advanced therapies to patients.

This special issue will focus on review-type articles and we would therefore be very pleased if you would contribute a Review or Progress Report on a relevant topic of your choosing within the theme of the special issue. The author guidelines for these article types are included at the end of this e-mail. Depending on your personal interest, you may also submit a Communication or Full Paper on your own original research, which will be considered for publication if it meets the strict selection criteria of the journal and passes the normal peer-review process.

The due date for manuscript submission is 01 May 2020 (by invitation only).