Prof. Santos' post-doc, Dr. Mónica Ferreira, receives the best thesis award at the University of Helsinki for her PhD thesis work

One of the University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation awards for 2018 was bestowed to Mónica Ferreira in Health Sciences. This is the third time Prof. Santos' PhD students get such award for their thesis work

Dr. Mónica Ferreira was awarded (4000 €) with the best thesis of University of Helsinki in 2018 in Health Sciences.

The thesis was entitled: Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery and Imaging for Ischemic Myocardial Injury

In this work, Mónica Ferreirra demonstrated how nanosys­tems based on por­ous sil­icon and dex­tran may be a start­ing point to de­ve­lop nanomedi­cines that can be ap­plied in the treat­ment of myocar­dial in­farc­tion.

The research work of Mónica Ferreira was fully conducted at the Faculty of Pharmacy and  supported by the Doctoral Programme In Drug Research

More info about the awards can be found in here

This is the 3rd time our group recieves such award: 2014 (Dr. Dongfei Liu), 2015 (Dr. Ali Shahbazi) and 2018 (Dr. Mónica Ferreira).

Fantastic achivement for Mónica and our group, who already made history at this level.

So proud of Mónica and very happy to our group and the wonderful job we are doing!

Fantastic news and many congrats Mónica!