The CRS Annual Meeting & Exposition is the highlight of the year for those who are “committed to making a positive difference in creating the future of delivery science and technology”, as stated by the immediate past-president Maria José Alonso. The 46th edition of this meeting was held in Palacio de Congresos de València, Spain, from July 21-24, with more than 1300 attendees, 75 sponsors and exhibitors, 110 speakers, 140 oral abstracts, and more than 750 poster presentations. 49 nationalities were represented at the conference.
After the meeting, the society challenged its members to capture all exciting ideas of the event in one A4 page for the CRS Mind Mapping Championship 2019. João Pedro Martins, PhD Student at the Faculty of Pharmacy under the supervision of Prof. Hélder A. Santos, was one of the winners of the competition, with the mind map below.
More details about the competition can be found at the CRS website in here
The CRS Annual Meeting & Exposition 2020 has just been announced, and it will take place from June 27-July 1 of the upcoming year, in Las Vegas, USA, and it promises to keep the excellence this society has accostumed us.