Giulia Torrieri, PhD student in Prof. Santos' Lab, receives the Controlled Release Society Focus Group in Nanomedicine and Nanoscale Delivery e-Poster Award
Congratulations to PhD student Giulia Torrieri for receiving the Controlled Release Society Focus Group in Nanomedicine and Nanoscale Delivery e-Poster Award. Giulia is a PhD student at the University of Helsinki in the group of Prof. Hélder A. Santos and co-advised by Prof. Jouni Hirvonen and Prof. Heikki Ruskoaho.
Giulia’s research focuses on #nanotechnologies for heart diseases. At Controlled Release Society conference 2021, she will discuss in the CRS Focus Group in Nanomedicine and Nanoscale Delivery a novel approach for cardiac tissue regeneration.
Congratulations Giulia! We are extremely proud of your amazing achievement and well deserved award.