Dr. Zehua Liu becomes the 12th honorary member of Santos' Lab

The Honorary glass piece called "The freshwater pearl” tells a story about the freshwater pearl mussel’s pearl and Finnish nature produced by Kari Alakoski at Mafka & Alakoski Oy.

This is a symbol of recognition for everything he did in our lab all these years. Thank you very much for everything and I truly looking forward to continue our collaborations in the future!


Other hon­or­ary mem­bers of San­tos' Lab are (12):

- Prof. Jouni Hirvonen, Prof. Jarno Salonen, Prof. Hongbo Zhang

- Dr. Mohammad-Ali Shahbazi, Dr. Barbara Herranz, Dr. Vimalkumar Balas­ub­ramanian, Dr. Jukka Saarinen, Dr. Patrick Almeida, Dr. Mónica Ferreira, Dr. Dongfei Liu, Dr. Flavia Fontana, Dr. Zehua Liu