Dr. Santos Receives the Talent Prize in Science (Portugal)

These Award was Attributed by the Portuguese Government in 2010

See more related news about the prize below:

 1) 28.9.2010 - Portugal awards a citizen who is creating a science career in Finland (in English) / Portugali palkitsi Suomessa tutkijanuraa luovan kansalaisensa (in Finnish), University of Helsinki News.


Others related:

a) Rádio Clube de Lamego; b) Blog - Parliament member - Acácio Pinto

(in portuguese)


Local newspapers (in portuguese):

a) Douro Hoje


b) Journal do Douro-1


d) Jornal Sempre Jovem


3) 23.7.2010 - Hélder A. Santos was Nominated and Winner of the "Prémio Talento 2009" (Talent Prize 2009) in Science, Attributed by the Portuguese Government, Ministry of Foreigner Affairs, State Secretary of the Portuguese Communities, 23rd of July 2010, Lisbon, Portugal:

RTP1 video clip1 (National Public TV)

(C) Copyright 2010 - Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP)

(in Portuguese)