
Contact details of the Museomics research group

Mailing address

University of Helsinki

Botanic Garden

P.O. Box 7

00014 University of Helsinki

Visiting address

Unioninkatu 44

Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden

Main Building  (3rd Floor)

00170 Helsinki

How to join us

Bachelor and Master student's

should directly contact the principal investigator for available thesis topics.

PhD students from abroad are encouraged to visit us 3 to 6 months via

Candidate PhD students should apply to one of the Doctoral School's of the University of Helsinki: 

University-funded doctoral candidate positions are open once a year (29.8.-16.9).

Postdoctoral Researchers with max. 8 years of experience after graduation can apply for

Emerging Investigators of the group are encouraged to seek further funding from

Short-term visits from China, India and Africa

are also possible via the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL)

Scholars from Hungary

can visit us using the Eötvös Research Grant (pre- and postdoctoral category)

Fulbright Fellows

We are open to host Fulbright Fellows from the US or researchers from OECD counties

HFSP postdoctoral fellowships

HFSP postdoctoral fellowships encourage early career scientists to broaden their research skills by moving into new areas of study while working in a new country.