Sarkki Ekestubbe, S. K., Pöyry, E., & Parvinen, P. (2024). Creating a Co-Marketing Platform with Spillover Effects - Case Welcome to Wrexham. teoksessa Proceedings of the 49th Annual Macromarketing Conference. (Proceedings of the annual Macromarketing Conference. Macromarketing society.
Tonteri, T., Holopainen, J., Lumivalo, J., Tuunanen, T., Parvinen, P., & Laukkanen, T. (2023). Immersive Virtual Reality in Experiential Learning - A Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Approach. T. X. Bui, Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Holopainen, J., Parvinen, P., Pöyry, E., & Laukkanen, T. (2023). Introduction to HICSS-56 Minitrack - Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality: Services and Applications. T. X. Bui, Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Parvinen, P., Tandefelt, M., Pöyry, E., Lähtevänoja, A. J., & Mattila, O. (2022). Analyzing Commercial Collaboration Attractiveness in YouTube Based on Micro-Analytical Content Labeling and Audience Retention. teoksessa T. X. Bui (Toimittaja), Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Holopainen, J., Lähtevänoja, A. J., Lammassaari, H. M. W., Mattila, O., Pöyry, E., & Parvinen, P. (2022). Best of Both Worlds: A Model Combining Online and Mixed Reality Learning Environments Based on Cognitive Affordances. Educational Media International, 59(1), 45-61.
Holopainen, J., Lähtevänoja, A., Sandström, N., Nevgi, A., Mattila, O., Pöyry, E., & Parvinen, P. (2021). Applying Affordances Scale as a Design Method – Case Virtual Reality Course Design. teoksessa T. X. Bui (Toimittaja), Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Pöyry, E., Parvinen, P., & Martens, J. J. (2021). Effectiveness of Value Calculators in B2B Sales Work - Challenges at the Sales-Call Level. Journal of Business Research, 126, 350-360.
Lähtevänoja, A. J., Holopainen, J., Mattila, O., Pöyry, E., Tuunanen, T., & Parvinen, P. (2021). Problem Space Identification for Developing Virtual Reality Learning Environments. teoksessa Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. University of Hawaii.
Lähtevänoja, A. J., Holopainen, J., Mattila, O., & Parvinen, P. (2021). The use of virtual reality as a potential restorative environment in school during recess. teoksessa International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society: DTGS 2020: Digital Transformation and Global Society. (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vuosikerta 1242). Springer, Cham.
Parvinen, P., Laitila, M., Pöyry, E., Gustafsson, R., & Rossi, M. (2020). Advancing data monetization and the creation of data-based business models. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47(2), 25-49.
Holopainen, J., Mattila, O., Poyry, E., & Parvinen, P. (2020). Applying design science research methodology in the development of virtual reality forest management services. Forest Policy and Economics, 116.
Poyry, E., Parvinen, P., Mattila, O., & Holopainen, J. (2020). Engaged, but with what? Objects of engagement in technology-aided B2B customer interactions. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(3-4), 334-360.
Holopainen, J., Lähtevänoja, A. J., Mattila, O., Södervik, I., Pöyry, E., & Parvinen, P. (2020). Exploring the Learning Outcomes with Various Technologies: Proposing Design Principles for Virtual Reality Learning Environments. teoksessa T. X. Bui (Toimittaja), Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. University of Hawaii.
Mattila, O., Korhonen, A., Pöyry, E., Hauru, K., Holopainen, J., & Parvinen, P. (2020). Restoration in a Virtual Reality Forest Environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 107(June), Artikkeli 106295.
Holopainen, J., Vehviläinen, R., Mattila, O., Pöyry, E., & Parvinen, P. (2020). Specifying the design for customer learning in the mixed reality experience. teoksessa D. A. Alexandrov, A. V. Boukhanovsky, A. V. Chugunov, Y. Kabanov, O. Koltsova, & I. Musabirov (Toimittajat), Digital Transformation and Global Society: 4th International Conference, DTGS 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 19–21, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Sivut 300-312). (Communications in Computer and Information Science ; Vuosikerta 1038). Springer International Publishing AG.
Holopainen, J., Mattila, O., Pöyry, E., Parvinen, P., & Tuunanen, T. (2020). Stakeholder Strategy and Design Alignment Framework for Design Science Research: A Study in the Context of VR-Aided Marketing and Sales. teoksessa T. X. Bui (Toimittaja), Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. University of Hawaii.
Kruijswijk, J., van Emden, R., Parvinen, P., & Kaptein, M. (2020). StreamingBandit: Experimenting with Bandit Policies. Journal of Statistical Software, 94(9), 1-47.
Wuenderlich, N. V., Gustafsson, A., Hamari, J., Parvinen, P., & Haff, A. (2020). The great game of business: Advancing knowledge on gamification in business contexts. Journal of Business Research, 106, 273-276.
Lähtevänoja, A., Holopainen, J., Mattila, O., Södervik, I., Parvinen, P., & Pöyry, E. (2020). Virtual reality as a recovering environment - Implications for design principles. teoksessa D. A. Alexandrov, A. V. Boukhanovsky, A. V. Chugunov, Y. Kabanov, O. Koltsova, & I. Musabirov (Toimittajat), Communications in Computer and Information Science: Fourth International Conference, DTGS 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia, 19 – 21 June, 2019: Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Nro 1038). Springer International Publishing AG.
Holopainen, J. M., Mattila, O. P. A., Parvinen, P. M. T., Pöyry, E. I. & Tuunanen, T. 2019. Enabling Sociability When Using Virtual Reality Applications: A Design Science Research Approach. 2019 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Mattila O., Tuunanen T., Holopainen J., Parvinen P. (2018) Scaling Consultative Selling with Virtual Reality: Design and Evaluation of Digitally Enhanced Services. In: Satzger G., Patrício L., Zaki M., Kühl N., Hottum P. (eds) Exploring Service Science. IESS 2018. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 331. Springer, Cham
Holopainen, J. M., Mattila, O. P. A., Parvinen, P. M. T., Pöyry, E. I. Seppälä, K. 2018. Employing Mixed Reality Applications: CustomerPerspective. 2018 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Parvinen, P. M. T., Holopainen, J. M., Pöyry, E. I., Mattila, O. P. A. 2018. Gameful Service Experience with Mixed Reality Technology: A Design Science Approach. In review.
Parvinen, P. M. T., Pöyry, E. I., Mattila, O. P. A., Holopainen, J. M. 2018. Wow! Aha! – Improving Buyer-Seller Interactions with Mixed Reality Technology. In review.
Ahtinen, P. Holopainen, J. Mattila, O. Södervik, I. Pöyry, E. Parvinen, P. (2018) Learning affordances of Mixed Reality – An experiment evaluating retention and skills. Manuscript.
Pöyry, E. I., Holopainen, J. M., Mattila, O. P. A., Parvinen, P. M. T. 2018. Mixed Reality Technology and Customer Engagement. In review.
Mattila, O., Holopainen, J., Parvinen, P. 2017. Immersive Virtual Reality in nature-based service development - user experience research based on rapid prototyping. Presentation: IUFRO Division 5 Conference 2017 - Vancouver, British Columbia
Pöyry, E. Holopainen, J. Mattila, O. Parvinen, P. Wow that's so cool - The influence of using mixed reality applications in sales interactions (Manuscript)
Södervik, I. 2016. Understanding biological concepts at university – Investigating learning in medical and teacher education. Annaels Universitatis Turkuensis, 421
Pöyry, E. 2016 Customer Engagement Behaviors and Purchase Value. Aalto University publication series Doctoral Dissertations, 244/2016
Holopainen, J. 2016. Changing institutions and consumer-driven development of forest products and services. Dissertationes Forestales 223.
Mattila, O. 2015. Towards service-dominant thinking in the Finnish forestry service market. Dissertationes Forestales 198.
Sales outcome measures for increased customer value with MR sales tools (Roope Riihikoski)
Mixed Reality in teaching – Case University of Helsinki Mixed Reality Studio (Pilvi Ahtinen)
Developing the measures for organization learning in MR – multiple case study design (Jaana Rantala)
Learning experiments on Massive Open Online Courses and Mixed Reality – developing content and usability (Helena Lehtonen)
Data visualizations, sensory and service designs in Mixed Reality – optimizing the customer experience and engagement (Lian Lao)
Virtual Reality fair and sales applications improving the communication and customer learning (Juho Kuukka)
Digital forest services and customer segmentations (Kalle Ikonen)
New business models and technologies in the forest service market (Samuel Heinonen)
Timber trade and advisory services in Mixed Reality – service design approach (Riikka Vehviläinen)
Mixed Reality Advertisement Parameters – Effects on brand image, recognition and recall (Niko Paavola)
Case study on business model development among Mixed Reality SMEs – Effects on customer engagement, lead generation, and information flow (Niko Pöllänen)
Determining the critical tools and features for Mixed Reality Sales Kit through field experiments (Tomi Kyöstilä)
Digital service design in tourism in the museum context (Miina Kalso)
Explaining and understanding complex systems in virtual reality (Karishma Munilal)
Perceived restorativeness of an immersive virtual reality (Arto Korhonen)
An experimental study of forestry education: Expertise and credibility in a Mixed Reality application (Katri Rusanen)