Medieval Materialities and Intellectualities

MeMI brings together medievalists over disciplinary boundaries

MeMI is a research hub bringing together medievalists over disciplinary and faculty boundaries at the University of Helsinki. The membership is open to all parties at the University of Helsinki whose academic interests involve things medieval.

Providing a platform for transdisciplinary collaboration, MeMI fosters partnerships between faculty members, researchers, and students. Our activities include seminars, study groups, plenary meetings, and other events. Bottom-up initiatives are keenly espoused, e.g. to invite speakers, to arrange excursions and reading groups, to create peer-to-peer platforms to identify synergies and potential for collaboration, and so on.

MeMI hosts affiliated teaching and supervision at various levels. The Medieval Studies Programme (Keskiajan tutkimuksen opintokokonaisuus) offers courses to undergraduates and graduates. The Medieval Studies Seminar invites papers from doctoral students, researchers and faculty members.