Study Groups

We encourage students to develop their skills and knowledge in study groups.
Medieval Latin Study Group

The study group meets every third week to translate Birgitta’s Sermo Angelicus, a collection of 21 readings recited at the night office in Birgittine abbeys. The objective is to sustain and further develop the Latin skills acquired during university courses and to apply them to the study of medieval Latin. Participants are expected to prepare in advance by producing a preliminary translation of an assigned section. During meetings, the group works through the text sentence by sentence, discussing different interpretations and challenging structures.

New participants will receive guidance on the use of relevant tools, such as online dictionaries and morphological analysers, to facilitate the translation process. 

A basic knowledge of Latin grammar is expected, typically equivalent to at least 10 credits of Classical Latin studies. 

The group operates in Finnish. 

For further information, please contact Lotta Näri (