Welcome to the LECI seminar on Friday, February 9th: Qualitative Purpose Profiles of Chinese Student Teachers

The research group of School pedagogy and LECI research community (University of Helsinki) organize an open seminar for all students and researchers at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Professor Fei Jiang will give a lecture entitled ”Qualitative Purpose Profiles of Chinese Student Teachers”

The seminar is scheduled for Friday 9th of February, at 12.15-13.45 PM in Minerva, Meeting room K108, located at Siltavuorenpenger 5A.



Teachers are well positioned to help students cultivate their purpose in life, which is an asset that is associated with optimal development. Teachers must also have a grasp on their own sense of purpose, especially during times of intense social pressure and change, when the capability to sustain and support worthy aims may impart personal resilience and contribute to the social good. To train educators who have this capability, it is therefore vital for teacher education programs to in turn understand their own students’ individualized purpose statuses. Using a qualitative person-centered approach, the current study identified purpose profiles of teacher education candidates in China as part of a larger multinational study. Three hundred and thirty-one participants wrote answers to questions about the content and fulfillment of their purpose in life, and statements were reliably coded for how specifically the respondents referenced their purpose, and for whether their purpose aimed to benefit others. A consensual qualitative research approach then identified four purpose profiles: beyond-the-self purpose, self-oriented life goal, daydreamer and purposeless. The meaning of these profiles and their significance for cultivating purpose among China’s teachers are discussed.


Agenda of the seminar:

Opening words:          The role of purpose in teaching

                                        Prof. Kirsi Tirri

                                        School pedagogy group, LECI research community


Lecture:                        Qualitative Purpose Profiles of Chinese Student Teachers

                                        Prof. Fei Jiang


Commentary words:   Docent Elina Kuusisto   

                                        School pedagogy group, LECI research community

Meeting ID: 699 0066 2191

Passcode: 208167


All are warmly welcome!