School Pedagogy includes studies on education and teaching especially in the context of schools. The research includes topics such as:
Research deals with the totality of teaching-studying-learning process that can be examined from different points of views. For example, teaching can be seen as moral activity in which case the values and ethics in teaching become central in research. Different ways to study interaction in classrooms and the evaluation of teaching and learning are also important areas of research in school pedagogy.
For more information about the Research Group, visit the School Pegagogy websitte.
The Cultural-historical approaches to children’s learning and development (CHiLD) research group is a hub for researchers exploring and understanding human learning and development in its historical and cultural context. Applying cultural-historical psychology, cultural-historical activity theory, and ethnographic research methods, we focus on the diverse practices children participate in as part of their communities and their dynamic nature. We also aim to open up possibilities for the critical reformulation and development of these practices with the communities themselves and facilitate change towards sustainable futures for all.
To learn more about the research group, visit the CHiLD website.
The CRADLE takes its theoretical and methodological inspiration from cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) and from the broader family of sociocultural approaches. Also, theories of knowledge building, collective creativity and design-related learning are fruitful source of inspiration for CRADLE researchers.The research areas of CRADLE include:
Change Laboratory is an important intervention research method developed in CRADLE. Change Laboratory is a method for developing work practices by the practitioners. Basing on the theoretical conceptions of the dual (double) stimulation (L. Vygotsky) and expansive learning (Y. Engeström) it facilitates both intensive, deep transformations and continuous incremental improvement.
Center continually organizes CRADLE Research Seminar, where local and invited scholars present their work.
For more information about the Center and the upcoming seminars, visit CRADLE webpage.