Following researchers who are all members of the Learning, Culture and Interventions (LECI) expert group gave their presentations on the topics below (in alphabetical order):
Merja Hautakangas: The development of a child's self-regulation skills in Kids'Skills-intervention
Jaakko Hilppö: Children’s projects: a proposal for a research agenda
Jasmiina Korhonen: Children's leadership and forms of collaboration in a novel learning environment
Mika Letonsaari: Nonlinear storytelling in education
Virpi Lund: Residents’ collective agency and learning through participation in urban development
Mikko Niemelä: Teachers’ Knowledge in Integrating the Curriculum
Birgit Paju: Fostering Inclusive Education in schools – teaching staff’s perceptions and contradictions
Lauri Pynnönen: Education in emergencies: The effect of collaborative teaching on teacher digital skills development
Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas: The socio-cultural interpretations that lie between us: Exploring empathy in 21st century visual arts pedagogy
Marika Toivola: Teachers’ Agency and Identity in Flipped Learning
If you wish to get in touch with our researchers, please see their profiles and contact information here.