NORDIC-BALTIC ISCAR 2022 CALL FOR PAPERS IS OPEN FROM August 9th to October 10th, 2021

Nordic-Baltic ISCAR 2022 Conference calls for contributions. The conference will be held June 14–16th 2022.

Dear colleagues,

The theme for the 9th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR 2022 (June 14–15th 2022) conference is “TO­WARDS IN­CLUS­IVE AND JUST SO­CI­ET­IES: A DIA­LOGUE WITH, WITHIN AND BEYOND CHAT”. In the spirit of our theme, we cordially invite scholars to contribute with their topical research and to join us in discussing what future directions our scholarly work offers for fostering more inclusive, equal and sustainable communities and societies globally for all. 

The CHAT community has a strong tradition of studying various forms of activity in all of their diversity, whether it be learning and play in early childhood, school, education and learning at various levels, youth activism and everyday life as well as working life and organizational learning processes. Furthermore, CHAT research, by definition and practice is characterized by multidisciplinarity and communication between scholars from a wide range of disciplines, such as psychology, education, philosophy, history, sociology, linguistics, anthropology, research on workplace practices, queer and gender studies, computer science, information systems, knowledge management, clinical neuro- psychology as well as rehabilitation, occupational therapy, criminology, and social work.

We welcome contributions regarding our main conference theme from these and other disciplines. We also welcome other relevant contributions which focus on CHAT’s historical roots, modern applications and future perspectives.

Click here to visit the conference website.

Info on how to submit your contribution can be found on this website.  

Submissions are open from 9.8 to 10.10 2021.

The call for papers can be found here. 

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask:

Dr. Liubov Vetoshkina

Chair of Organizing committee

Nordic-Baltic ISCAR2022