LECI research seminar on social network analysis & grounded theory

This event is open for all faculty members. For doctoral students to note, this seminar is part of the SEDUCE doctoral courses (SED-916) and you’ll gain study credits by attending.

Dear colleagues,

A warm welcome to the monthly research seminar of our Learning, Culture and Interventions (LECI) research community (http://www.helsinki.fi/leci) on Thursday 25th of February 2021, at 15-16:30 PM.

The seminar will be held via Zoom, here is the link:


This event is open for all faculty members. For doctoral students to note, this seminar is part of the SEDUCE doctoral courses (SED-916) and you’ll gain study credits by attending.

Assistant Professor Pauli Alin, D.Sc. (Tech) (Technology Management Department, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT, USA), will give a presentation entitled:

Studying the emergence of human and object roles in engineering teams: combining social network analysis & grounded theory



“Social scientific studies of technology use have employed mixed methods for some time. Typically, such mixed methods studies combine qualitative data, such as observations or interviews with quantitative statistical analyses. However, there has been less focus on other potential mixed methods approaches that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches. Drawing from my empirical work in studying communication in engineering teams, I will discuss one such mixed-method – a combination of qualitative grounded theory and quantitative social network analysis – to show how such an approach can be used to identify and theorize emergence of social processes in the engineering team. The method is applicable to studying and theorizing social processes beyond engineering and other organizational teams.”


Everyone interested is very welcome to join the seminar!

Kind regards, Anu & Kristiina