Dear colleagues,
Learning, Culture and Interventions (LECI) research community is happy to invite you to its next research seminar on “Video-enabled ethnographies: Supporting reciprocal interaction between theory and practice” by Dr. Susan M. Bridges, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. For doctoral students to note, this seminar is part of the SEDUCE doctoral courses (SED-916) and you will gain study credits by attending.
When: Friday 08.04.2022 at 9:00-10:30
Where: Zoom
(Meeting ID: 680 2050 2172, Passcode: 116993)
In 2001, I conducted my first video-enabled study which employed a stimulated recall interview to gain insights into one university teacher’s classroom practice. Two decades later and continuing to be guided by a sociocultural view of learning, I have deepened my engagement with video-enabled micro-ethnographies in Higher Education to gain emic understandings of learning in situ and over time/s. Specifically, Interactional Ethnography (IE) has supported my learning sciences research into technology-enhanced, inquiry-based designs in professional education (medical, dental, speech therapy and teacher education) in Hong Kong. Not only does IE provide a theoretical base and methodological logic-of-inquiry, it supports the interdisciplinary researcher in engaging practitioners as co-analysts to construct warranted interpretations and contribute to theory development from a situated perspective. In this presentation, I will share two recent publications to illustrate the reciprocal interaction between theory and practice that resulted in proposing new concepts to capture emerging classroom practices i.e. ‘dialogic intervisualizing’ in blended medical education (Bridges, Chan, Hmelo-Silver, Green & Saleh, 2020) and ‘synergistic co-teaching’ in teacher education rehearsals (Chian, Bridges & Lee, 2021).
Susan M. Bridges is Director of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong where she developed a doctoral course on Interactional Ethnography. An award-winning higher education teacher, researcher and curriculum designer, her work is inherently interprofessional and interdisciplinary. She leads and supports a range of policy, curriculum and faculty development initiatives in higher education with a focus on professional education, particularly integrated curriculum designs and inquiry-based learning and how educational technologies can support and enhance these. She is an active member of the Universitas21 (U21) network having served two terms on the Steering Group for the Educational Innovation Cluster. Since 2017, she has served as a judge for the QS Wharton Reimagine Education Awards.
Dr. Bridges has over 180 publications and invited presentations arising from her HKSAR-funded grants. In 2020 she was elected as Chair of the Problem-based and Journal-based Learning SIG of the American Association of Educational Research (AERA). Her latest co-edited volume, Interactional Research into Problem-based Learning is with Purdue University Press (Bridges & Imafuku, 2020). Her forthcoming chapter with Routledge (Bridges, 2022 in-print) entitled “Video-Enabled Educational Ethnographies: The Centrality of Recordings in an Interactional Ethnography” joins an edited collection by A. Skukauskaitė and J. L. Green entitled “Ethnographic Spaces: Interactional Ethnography in Focus”.
Kind wishes, Kristiina and Anu