The poster seminar session will begin with all attendees viewing poster presentations. Then, we will move into brief presentations to the audience gathered as a group, followed by direct discussion with poster presenters providing the presenter an opportunity to gain valuable individualized comments. We are very happy to announce the names of the presenters and the titles of their posters, which are the following:
Merja Hautakangas: The development of a child's self-regulation skills in Kids'Skills-intervention
Jaakko Hilppö: Children’s projects: a proposal for a research agenda
Jasmiina Korhonen: Children's leadership and forms of collaboration in a novel learning environment
Mika Letonsaari: Nonlinear storytelling in education
Virpi Lund: Residents’ collective agency and learning through participation in urban development
Mikko Niemelä: Teachers’ Knowledge Integrating the Curriculum
Birgit Paju: Fostering Inclusive Education in schools -teaching staff’s perceptions and contradictions
Lauri Pynnönen: Education in emergencies: The effect of collaborative teaching on teacher digital skills development
Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas: The socio-cultural interpretations that lie between us: Exploring empathy in 21st century visual arts pedagogy
Marika Toivola: Teachers’ Agency and Identity in Flipped Learning
Everyone interested is very welcome to join the seminar!