Warm welcome to the next Learning, Culture and Interventions (LECI) expert group research seminar on Friday 15th of June, from 10:00 to 12:00, at Siltavuorenpenger 5A, room K108 (Minerva building).
From 10 to 11 o’clock, Assistant Professor Patricia Martínez-Álvarez from Arts and Humanities Department, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, will present a paper entitled: Dis/ability as Mediator: Possibility-Centered Hybrid Learning Spaces for Emergent Bilinguals with a Dis/ability.
Abstract: This presentation shares findings from a year-long qualitative study investigating how bilingual children labeled with a dis/ability (EBwD) mediate their learning in an afterschool and how instructional spaces can be designed to assist this process. The afterschool, led in Spanish, was conceptualized as a “possibility-centered” (Smagorinsky, 2012) hybrid space (Gutiérrez, Baquedano-López, Tejeda, & Rivera, 1999) designed to cultivate children’s knowledge and languages, and to employ multimodal/multisensory approaches to practice core literacy and science processes. Findings show that EBwD took numerous volitional actions to self-mediate unconventional learning trajectories utilizing not only their dis/ability, but also their immigrant backgrounds and transnational knowledge. This was made possible as teacher candidates used cultural tools that moderated learning barriers enacting a possibility-centered hybrid learning space for volitional actions.
From 11 to 12 o’clock, Professor Sayuri Tanaka Maeda from the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, will give a talk on: Social impact of work accidents in the city of Piracicaba: analysis and intervention in the assistance network for injured workers.
Abstract: The presentation is about a Change Laboratory project in Brazil, which involved various health organizations. In this project, the theory of expansive learning (Engeström, 1987) was applied. The historical and organizational root causes of the current health care system of the city of Piracicaba were analyzed to create a process of care for the victims of work accidents. Identifying the historical and cultural backgrounds enabled the participants in the discussions to develop a systemic view of the health care services. During the project, a new model named “guided discharge of work accident victim” was created and implemented. The model is currently being tested and a final discussion is scheduled to take place in June 2018. The proposed model is still theoretical and urges the multidisciplinary approach not only during the implementation but especially during professional training of the staff.
Everyone interested is very welcome to join the seminar!