Anu Kajamaa was nominated as Co-Chair of the Cultural-Historical Research Special Interest Group (SIG #30) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). This SIG is a diverse grouping of researchers who approach learning, development and social change from a cultural-historical, socio-cultural and/or activity theoretic perspective. Common themes of research and conversation draw on Vygotsky, Luria, Leont’ev, Bakhtin, Mead, and many others. The aim of this SIG is to bring together scholars applying cultural-historical-theoretical frameworks, and to develop their use further in order to foster the exchange and development of new ideas. The next AERA Annual Meeting in which the SIG takes place will be organized virtually in April 9-12, 2021, the submission period has ended in August 2020. For more information about the SIG #30. See more information about the AERA 2021 conference.
If you have any questions about the SIG, please contact: