Together with Ola Erstad, Åsa Mäkitalo, Kirsten Drotner, and Sólveig Jakobsdóttir, our LECI group leaders Kristiina Kumpulainen and Anu Kajamaa have edited a book entitled 'Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age – Insights into Contemporary Research on Communication, Learning and Education'.
The book is product of the NOS-HS funded project "Nordic Research Network on Digitalising Childhoods (DigiChild)”. LECI group members Jasmiina Leskinen, Alexandra Nordström, Heidi Sairanen, Jenny Renlund, Jenny Byman, and Chin-Chin Wong also contributed to the book by authoring some of its chapters.
The book adds to the international research literature on contemporary Nordic childhoods in the context of fast-evolving technologies. Bringing together researchers from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland, the book addresses pressing issues around children’s communication, learning and education in the digital age.
The book sheds light on cultural values, educational policies and conceptions of children and childhood, and child–media relationships inherent in Nordic societies. The book argues for the importance of understanding local cultures, values and communication practices that make up contemporary digital childhoods and extends current discourses on children’s screen time to bring in new insights about the nature of children’s digital engagement.
The book is available in open-access and can be read here.