
This page presents a list of talks given by project members. The list includes talks at academic conferences and seminars, as well as outreach activities.

Conference and seminar presentations


Solin, Anna (2021) Institutionaalisen kielipolitiikan monet muodot – monikielinen yliopisto hallintohenkilöstön näkökulmasta. AFinLA Autumn symposium, University of Jyväskylä, 13 November 2021.

Solin, Anna & Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2021) Kielen säätely monikielisessä yliopistossa: kielisyyslinjauksista arkiseen kieliversiointiin. AFinLA Autumn symposium, University of Jyväskylä, 12 November 2021.

Hynninen, Niina (2021) Kielen ja kirjoittamisen säätely tutkimuskirjoittamisessa. Presentation in the “Kielen säätely institutionaalisissa konteksteissa” workshop organized by Anna Solin and Anne Mäntynen at the AFinLA 2021 Autumn symposium. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 12 Nov 2021.

Hynninen, Niina (2021) Moments and mechanisms of intervention along a text trajectory: Norm negotiations in English-medium research writing. Presentation in the “Methodologies for Researching Writing for Academic Publication” symposium, organized by Theresa Lillis and Mary Jane Curry, at the 19th AILA World Congress. University of Groningen [online], The Netherlands, 18 Aug 2021.

Kuteeva, Maria, Kaufhold, Kathrin & Hynninen, Niina (2021) Organisers of the “Tensions between monolingualism and multilingualism across university contexts” symposium at the 19th AILA World Congress. University of Groningen [online], The Netherlands, 17 Aug 2021.

Solin, Anna & Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2021) Communications in the international university: a case study of writing for a multilingual website. Paper presented in the symposium "Tensions between monolingualism and multilingualism across university contexts." AILA World Congress, University of Groningen [online], 15 August 2021.

Hynninen, Niina (2021) Moments of intervention in writing for publication. Reflective piece presented at the 3rd Annual PAWBL Symposium “Creativity and collaboration in professional, academic and workplace literacies”. The Open University [online], UK, 29 Jan 2021.


Hynninen, Niina & Kuteeva, Maria (2020) Researchers’ language practices concerning knowledge production and dissemination: Discourses of mono- and multilingualism. Paper presented at the ASLA2020 online symposium, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 23–24 April 2020.

Kuteeva, Maria, Kaufhold, Kathrin & Hynninen, Niina (2020) Universities as sites of tensions between monolingualism and multilingualism. Panel organized at the ASLA2020 online symposium, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 23–24 April 2020.


Hynninen, Niina (2019) Moments and mechanisms of intervention: Regulating the language of English-medium research writing. Paper presented at the Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Writing as a Social Practice seminar, University of Helsinki, 23 Oct 2019.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Language professionals as regulators of academic discourse. Seminar presentation at the Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Writing as a Social Practice seminar, University of Helsinki, 23 October 2019.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Language professionals as regulators of academic discourse: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Paper presented at the Ethnography of communication and interdisciplinary moves conference, University of Helsinki, 11 June 2019.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Language professionals as regulators of academic discourse - The production of language quality. Paper presented at the Kielikeskuspäivät conference, Aalto University, Espoo, 6 June 2019.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Regulating the language of journal articles: a case study on rejected journal articles. Poster presentation at the Language Policy Forum conference, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 30-31 May 2019.

Hynninen, Niina (2019) Moments and mechanisms of intervention: Regulating the language of English-medium research writing. Paper presented at the Ethnographies of Academic Writing conference, University of Zaragoza, 16–17 May 2019.

Hynninen, Niina & Kuteeva, Maria (2019) Researchers’ language practices concerning knowledge production and dissemination: Discourses of mono- and multilingualism. Paper presented (by Niina Hynninen) at the Ethnographies of Academic Writing conference, University of Zaragoza, 16–17 May 2019.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Professional language regulation: Translators and language revisors intervening in academic writing. Paper presented at the Ethnographies of Academic Writing conference, University of Zaragoza, Spain,16–17 May 2019.


Hynninen, Niina & Kuteeva, Maria (2018) ‘Good’ and ‘acceptable’ English in L2 research writing: Ideals and realities in history and computer science. Presented at the PRISEAL 4 conference, University of Iceland, 14–17 Sept 2018.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2018) Language professionals as regulators of academic discourse: resources for regulation. Presented at the 2nd International conference on sociolinguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 7 Sept 2018.

Hynninen, Niina (2018) Language regulation and assessment of English for lingua franca use. Presented at the “Transition, mobility, validity: English as a (multi)lingua franca perspectives on language assessment” symposium, organised by Luke Harding at the LTRC 2018 conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 3–6 July 2018.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2018) Language regulation in a multilingual university: language norms and ideologies in translation and language revision. Presented at the 11th International conference on English as a lingua franca, King’s College London, UK, 6 July 2018.

Hynninen, Niina & Kuteeva, Maria (2018) ‘Good’ and ‘acceptable’ English in L2 research writing: Ideals and realities in history and computer science. Presented (by Niina Hynninen) at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 27–30 June 2018.

Solin, Anna & Hynninen, Niina (2018) Analysing language policy as a local practice – a case study on the regulation of research writing. Presented (by Anna Solin) at the Language Policy Forum, University of Sheffield, UK, 30–31 May 2018.

Hynninen, Niina & Kuteeva, Maria (2018) ‘Good’ and ‘acceptable’ English in a multilingual research environment. Presented (by Maria Kuteeva) at ASLA 2018 symposium, Karlstad University, Sweden, 12–13 April 2018.

Hynninen, Niina & Kuteeva, Maria (2018) “‘Good’ and ‘acceptable’ English in a multilingual research environment”, main findings reported in the JEAP article and plans for further research. Presented (by Maria Kuteeva) at a seminar on academic language use in the international university, Stockholm University, Sweden, 12 Jan 2018.

Kaufhold, Kathrin & Hynninen, Niina (2018) What makes ‘good’ writing: How academics and students assign values to their research-based writing. Presented (by Kathrin Kaufhold) at a seminar on academic language use in the international university, Stockholm University, Sweden, 12 Jan 2018.

Solin, Anna & Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2018) Institutional mechanisms of language regulation: comparisons between the universities of Stockholm and Helsinki. Presented at a seminar on academic language use in the international university, Stockholm University, Sweden, 12 Jan 2018.


Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2017) Language professionals as regulators of academic discourse. Presented at the Annual Autumn Symposium organized by the Finnish Association of Applied Linguistics, AFinLA, University of Turku, Finland, 10 Nov 2017.

Hynninen, Niina (2017) Language regulation in the research writing practices of a multinational research group in the field of computer science. Presented at the IPrA 2017 conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16–21 July 2017.

Solin, Anna & Hynninen, Niina (2017) Colloquium entitled "Ethnographic approaches to writing practices in ELF settings" at ELF10 and Changing English. University of Helsinki, Finland, 12–15 June 2017.

Hynninen, Niina (2017) What counts as acceptable English: A case study of research writing practices in computer science. Presented at the “Ethnographic approaches to writing practices in ELF settings” colloquium, organised by Anna Solin and Niina Hynninen, at ELF10 and Changing English, University of Helsinki, Finland, 12–15 June 2017.

Solin, Anna & Hynninen, Niina (2017) Panel entitled "Kielen säätely ja muuttuvat normit: näkökulmia kirjoittamisen tutkimukseen" [Language regulation and changing norms: perspectives on researching writing] at Kirjoittamisen tutkimuksen päivät [a conference on writing research], University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 17–18 May 2017.

Hynninen, Niina (2017) Englannin kielen säätely tutkimuskirjoittamisessa: tekstihistoriallinen näkökulma [Regulation of the English language in research writing: a text historical perspective]. Presented at the “Kielen säätely ja muuttuvat normit: näkökulmia kirjoittamisen tutkimukseen” panel, organised by Anna Solin and Niina Hynninen, at Kirjoittamisen tutkimuksen päivät, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 17–18 May 2017.


Hynninen, Niina (2016) Orientations to the “quality” of English in research writing:

A comparison of three disciplines. Presented at the Literacy Research Discussion Group at Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 25 Oct 2016.

Hynninen, Niina, Solin, Anna & Mortensen, Janus (2016) Colloquium entitled "Regimes of academic writing – Towards a sociolinguistics of writing practices in academia" at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, University of Murcia, Spain, 15–18 June 2016.

Hynninen, Niina & Solin, Anna (2016) The regulation of English-medium research writing: The dynamic between top-down mechanisms and situated practices. Presented at the "Regimes of academic writing – Towards a sociolinguistics of writing practices in academia" colloquium, organised by Niina Hynninen, Anna Solin and Janus Mortensen, at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, University of Murcia, Spain, 15–18 June 2016.

Hynninen, Niina (2016) The necessity of being multilingual: Finland-based scholars reading and writing for research purposes. Presented at the LUNAS conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 9–11 May 2016.

Solin, Anna (2016) Regulating English language writing at university – institutional mechanisms and practices. Presented at the LUNAS conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 9–11 May 2016.

Solin, Anna, Hynninen, Niina & Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2016) Poster entitled "Project presentation – Language regulation in academia: The shifting norms of English use" at the LUNAS conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 9–11 May 2016.

Solin, Anna & Hynninen, Niina (2016) Language regulation in academia project presentation at the research seminar of the Language Management Theory Group, Charles University, Prague, The Czech Republic, 6 April 2016.


Solin, Anna, Hynninen, Niina & Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2015) Poster entitled "Project presentation – Language regulation in academia: The shifting norms of English use" at the Annual Autumn Symposium organized by the Finnish Association of Applied Linguistics, AFinLA, University of Helsinki, Finland, 13–14 Nov 2015.

Solin, Anna & Hynninen, Niina (2015) Regulating academic spoken English – Norm negotiations in the context of institutional language support. Presented at the Changing English (ChangE) conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, 8–10 June 2015.

Solin, Anna & Hynninen, Niina (2015) Regulating academic spoken English – Norm negotiations in the context of institutional language support. Presented at the Parallel language use meets English as a lingua franca in academic settings seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland, 21 May 2015.


Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Kieliasiantuntijat osana vieraskielistä tiedejulkaisemista: Kuka vastaa kielen laadusta? Panel contribution at the Tiedejulkaisemisen päivät, Helsinki, 9 Oct 2019.

Hynninen, Niina (2019) Tieteen kielistä tutkijoiden silmin: englantiako vain? Panel contribution at Tiedejulkaisemisen päivät, 9 Oct 2019.

Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2019) Language professionals as language regulators: The maintenance and production of language quality. Presented at the English Today V seminar, FinnBrit Society and NEaT, 15 March 2019.

Solin, Anna (2018) Panel contribution at an event on language policy in Finnish universities, organised by the Society for the Study of Finnish, 28 February 2018.

Solin, Anna (2017) Dissemination meeting on research findings. Central administration, University of Stockholm, November 2017.

Solin, Anna, Hynninen, Niina & Pienimäki, Hanna-Mari (2017) Language Regulation in Academia (LaRA) – Research project. Language Awareness Campaign. 31 May 2017.

Hynninen, Niina (2015) The (ir)relevance of English as a lingua franca for language practitioners. English Today seminar. FinnBrit Society and NEaT. 18 Sept 2015.