
We are a diverse group at all stages of our research careers, with assorted skillsets and varied connections to human-nature transformations.
Christopher Raymond

Professor, Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme

Christopher is an Interdisciplinary Scientist who creates new policy and management options for engaging diverse actors in the design and implementation of nature-based solutions. He is globally recognised for my expertise related to the development and application of: conceptual approaches for assessing human-nature relationships; knowledge co-creation processes, and; analytical methods in the social valuation of land use and ecosystem services under global change.

Outputs have contributed to the standardised assessment of the co-benefits of nature-based solutions across the EU; the Australian Federal Government’s Strategic Environmental Assessment; the City of Helsinki’s Master Planning process and the engagement of Indigenous people in IPBES Assessments.

He is passionate about assessing the impact of environmental policies and programs on individual and group values, behavior and self-reported well-being. This passion is reflected in my mission of Connecting  People, Place and Prosperity.

He currently hold the position of Professor of Sustainability Science (Sustainability Transformations and Ecosystem Services) at the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki and Guest Professor in Landscape Planning at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

In 2019, he was recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher. Fewer than 6,300, or 0.1%, of the world's researchers, across 21 research fields, have earned this exclusive distinction.

Janina Käyhkö

University Researcher, PhD

Janina Käyhkö (PhD) is a university researcher in the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Science, UH. She joined the HNT group in April 2023 through the Academy of Finland funded project Transformative Cities. In the project, she focuses on the cross-sectoral and multilevel governance issues related to urban sustainability transformations by developing and utilizing a serious game method. The game is used to explore the trade-offs and ways to overcome them in the current and future decision-making contexts

Milutin Stojanovic

University Researcher, PhD

Milutin is an interdisciplinary researcher with interests spanning a range of disciplines relevant for sustainability science from economics, agrobiology, biomedical research, sustainable management, to the natural sciences. He holds a PhD on modeling in theoretical physics and the possibility of a reconstruction of scientific reasoning by means of mathematical logic.  His background in philosophy of science enables him to analyze sustainability problems from a systems level perspective, what at the same time enables filtering the plethora of approaches and ideas currently dominant within sustainability science which still lack proper scientific testing and foundations. He is keenly interested in metascience – empirically measuring the quality and trustworthiness of modern research – and his dream is to develop the field of meta sustainability science, where the already published SS research will be subjected to rigourous intellectual and scientific testing, and where future SS research will be conducted based on methodologically sound and philosophically justified principles, ideas and procedures.

Jonathan Carruthers-Jones

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD

Overall, my research is focused on understanding the complex issues which surround human-nature interactions and how they relate to the long-term success of conservation, especially in remote or mountainous locations. Methodologically I use a participatory approach, working with a range of in-situ visual and acoustic mapping tools. Specifically, this research uses walking methods, ecoacoustics, as well as 360° audio-video, and has taken place at sites in the Scottish Highlands, the French Pyrénées and the Swedish and Finnish Arctic. Most recently this has included CONTOURS, a multidisciplinary research project looking at impacts of tourism on wilderness and CORRIDOR TALK, a conservation humanities research project on the future of Europe's National Parks and how connectivity can be understood from the perspective of both human and other animals, within and beyond the boundaries of protected areas. As part of these projects I have also participated in the development of Science Trails in the Kilpisjärvi area of Northern Finland to communicate our work on ecoacoustics to wider publics.

Viola Hakkarainen

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD

Viola is a postdoctoral researcher at the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) where she studies sustainability education in higher education institutes. Having a background in sustainability science, Viola’s focus is on knowledge processes, collaboration and inclusivity that can support just sustainability transformations.

Silviya Korpilo

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD

I study human-nature connections in cities from a socio-ecological-technological systems perspective and particularly how participatory GIS methods can support planning and management of urban green spaces. My research interests also include multisensory methods for studying human experiences in urban nature, environmental justice and using new technologies to capture and analyse urban green space use. I am currently working on the Smarter Greener Cities project examining the links between landscape and soundscape quality and psychological restoration.

Eugenia Castellazzi

Doctoral Researcher - MSocSc, MA

Eugenia is a MSocSc graduate in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability from the University of Helsinki and has a background in Philosophical Sciences (MA from the University of Bologna). She is collaborating with the CO-CARBON project. Eugenia is a NATURA fellow and she is working in the European node for the NATURA Global Roadmap of Nature-Based Solutions.

Her PhD project focuses on social and transformative learning about NbS through the organization of educational activities for secondary school students. Her research interests include public participation practices and environmental justice.

Eveliina Dunkel

Doctoral Researcher, MSc

Eveliina is a doctoral researcher focusing on the complex relationships between urban planning and civil society in urban sustainability transformations. She wants to better understand how cities could be planned and governed with more consideration to their multiple users and functions while acknowledging the need for rapid changes due to climate change and other ecological challenges. Eveliina’s background is in sustainability science (MSc) and environmental sciences (BSc), with focus on urban studies and environmental policy. Prior to this, she worked with performing arts and dance pedagogics (BA), from which she draws her interest in collective learning processes and social practices. She is fascinated by interfaces between natural ecosystems and sociocultural systems.

Francesco Venuti

Doctoral Researcher, LLM

Francesco is a PhD candidate at the University of Eastern Finland. His PhD project focuses on the legal feasibility of implementing urban nature-based solutions across European cities. The main research areas addressed by his project are conservation of urban biodiversity and improvement of climate change adaptation. The latter is examined through the lens of heat and flood management in urban areas. Francesco is interested in analysing the main legal challenges that hinder nature-based solutions implementation and scaling-up within the European Union. He received his LLM in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development in 2021 from the University of the West of England.

Heidi Lehtiniemi

Doctoral Researcher 

Heidi is a PhD candidate at the University of Helsinki. Her background is in interdisciplinary environmental science and sustainability science. Heidi’s research focuses biodiversity policy and biodiversity knowledge. In her PhD she approaches knowledge from a comprehensive, pluralistic viewpoint, and aims to identify tensions and synergies between Finnish actors and their ways of knowing and sense-making. She works as a researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute Syke in Finnish Ecosystem Observatory FEO and BOOST for biodiversity offsets projects.

John Allen

Doctoral Researcher, MEng, BSc

John has a BSc in geology, a MEng in environmental technology and is currently completing a PhD in urban ecosystem ecology at the University of Helsinki. His primary research interests are in greenspaces and nutrient cycling in urban areas as well as in the use of passive acoustic monitoring to measure biodiversity. In the HNT group, John works to maintain monitoring equipment and to handle and to facilitate the analysis of data collected by the group's acoustic monitoring network in Finland.


Sara Zaman

Doctoral Researcher, MSc

Sara Zaman received her MSc in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics in 2020 from the University of Helsinki. She is continuing her doctoral research at the university's DENVI programme. Her current research interests lie in the construction of alternative economic imaginaries using socio-ecological justice and sustainability principles, via a pluralist approach. Since 2020, she has been involved in the SMARTer Greener Cities project researching Smart Kalasatama, and is examining how human-nature relationships are mediated by machine intelligent technologies. 

Satu Aavanranta

Doctoral Researcher

Satu Aavanranta is a doctoral researcher in the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Science at the University of Helsinki and a participant in the Sustainable Transformations Doctoral Education Pilot.  

Satu is interested in multispecies justice in decision-making. She works on the MUST Enabling multispecies transitions Project and her doctoral research focuses on geodesign and the representation and agency of multispecies in policymaking.  

Satu’s background is in sustainability and design (MA in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University and MA in Service Design at Laurea UAS), as well as in contemporary dance (BA in London). 

Paul Petry

Doctoral Researcher, MSc, MEng

I'm a doctoral researcher at the University of Agriculture and Forestry from the University of Helsinki and participant in the Sustainable Transformations Doctoral Education Pilot.
Through my background in acoustics (master of engineering in vibrations and acoustics), specializing then in ecoacoustics (master of science in bioacoustics), the science of ecology using acoustic data, I'm interrested in using soundscapes to work on specie's ecology.
Today I'm part of the MUST project in order to develop ecoacoustic methods to help urban projects stakeholders to make decisions to improve multispecies transitions. My work will focus on the analysis of soundscapes recorded across Finnish forest areas, and the work of human perception of sounds through soundwalks an indoor psychoacoustic experiments.

Jenna Jylhä

TC Project Manager, MSc student, BSc

Jenna is a master’s student in the Environmental Change and Global Sustainability program at the University of Helsinki and has a BSc in Agricultural Economics from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Jenna works as a Project Manager on the Transformative Cities project. Her research interests center on the intersection of digital infrastructures and regional development, with a particular focus on energy transitions and the pursuit of urban sustainability objectives.


Kira Cox

MSc student, BA

Kira is a master's student at the University of Helsinki in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability, with an academic background in international studies. They are working with the MUST project researching multispecies justice in nature-based solutions. Their research interests include urban transformation, climate vulnerability, and social equity in the face of climate change. Kira uses they/them pronouns.

Margarita Kondakova

MUST Project coordinator, MSc student, BSc

Margarita is a student in the ECGS Master's program of the University of Helsinki (UH) who majors in Urban Studies. Margarita has a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science (UH & exchange at the Fordham University, NYC) as well as a music degree from the Pop&Jazz Conservatory of Helsinki. Margarita's interests lie in nature-based solutions, environmental ethics, indigenous studies and multispecies justice. She is currently working on her thesis for the MUST-project (Enabling Multispecies Transitions), combining her passion for the more-than-human nature and music by doing soundwalk research. She is also working as a project coordinator for the project.

Former Members, Visitors and Graduated MSc
Linda Rosengren

Doctoral Researcher, MSc

Linda Rosengren is a PhD candidate at University of Helsinki and works as a researcher at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). Her research focuses on climate change adaptation, resilience, socio-ecological systems, systemic leverage points and sustainable transformation. Linda has a professional background working in development cooperation and policy including for United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), WWF and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.   

Rory Taylor

Research assistant & MSc student 

Rory is currently completing a Master’s Programme in Geography (Geoinformatics) at the University of Helsinki, and has a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Sust.Sci.) and Bachelor of Science (Hons I) from the Australian National University. He has professional experience as an environmental planner for large-scale renewable energy projects in NSW, Australia, and works as a research assistant in the RECONNECT project.  

Rory is intrigued by how people understand, value and communicate about their environments, and their relationships to it and to each other. This extends to how these manifest in community-based/led environmental stewardship, biodiversity conservation and restoration. He loves Landcare, and is inspired by the often small, but vitally important everyday actions of individuals and local communities working to preserve and restore the natural environments of the Monaro and Far South Coast of NSW.

Anna Ahdekivi

MSc student, BSc

Anna is a master’s student in the Environmental Change and Global Sustainability program at the University of Helsinki and has a BSc in Environmental and Resource Economics from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Anna worked as a Project Manager on the Transformative Cities project. Her research interests include exploring relational ontologies and epistemologies in sustainability transitions and implementing nature-based solutions to mitigate, adapt to climate change, and tackle biodiversity loss in urban environments.

Andra Horcea-Milcu

Andra I. Horcea-Milcu is a postdoctoral Researcher at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, interested in the role of values as leverage points for sustainability transformation. With a background in exploring social-ecological systems and experience in place-based transdisciplinary research, she is experimenting how to leverage the transformative potential of knowledge co-creation with the support of a Marie Curie fellowship. Through her boundary work, she aspires to contribute to managing the science|society interface, and to reframing sustainability in terms of core human values and equitable empathetic relationships.

Jussi Lampinen

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD

Jussi defended his PhD-thesis in ecology at the University of Turku in 2020. His main research interests focus on seeking sustainable solutions to protecting biodiversity and mitigating climate-change within a social-ecological system -framework. Jussi joined the HNT research group in 2021. His position until 2023 as a post-doctoral researcher in the CO-CARBON -project concerned the perceptions and attitudes of urban residents towards climate-friendly urban green infrastructure and the fairness of decision-making concerning them. 

Veronica Lo

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD

Veronica is a postdoctoral Researcher at SLU with the ENVISION project on inclusive conservation, where she is investigating scenario planning processes, including how stakeholder visions for protected areas management are shaped by interactive drivers of change. Her doctoral research (Erasmus Mundus: U Bologna, U Ghent and NIOZ) involved using experimental field methods to quantify the impacts of multiple human pressures on salt marsh coastal protection ecosystem services. She is active in the community of ecosystem-based adaptation and nature-based solutions experts and practitioners, and has worked with the Rio Conventions (CBD, UNCCD & UNFCCC) on programs promoting synergies in the implementation of multilateral agreements on biodiversity, climate change and sustainable development.

Roope Kaaronen

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD

Roope Kaaronen is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. His research interests include sustainable cultural evolution, collective behaviour change, and decision-making under uncertainty. His research draws influence from complexity theory and philosophy of science.

Katri Mäkinen-Rostedt

Katri visited the Human-Nature Transformations Group as a Senior Project Manager. She will work e.g. with IBPES-related research project on expert’s understandings on multiple values of nature and supporting the group with project planning activities. She is also a PhD Candidate at Tampere University. Her PhD project concerns the use and construction of expert knowledge in global environmental governance. Her current interests include social network analysis and various knowledge creation practices (such as co-production of knowledge) used in different international and regional science-policy interfaces. 

Sanna Stålhammar

Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD
Sanna is a postdoctoral researcher at SLU, and she worked in the VIVA-Plan project. She is an interdisciplinary sustainability scientist interested in the social dimension of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Her doctoral research (Lund University) draws on critical social science perspectives and examines approaches for values and valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity. She is passionate about exploring plural ways of knowing nature and strives to develop inclusive approaches for knowledge integration and transformative governance beyond anthropocentrism.

Heidi Annala

Heidi studied at the Environmental Change and Global Sustainability program at the University of Helsinki. She participated to HNT group as a research assistant and participated in the SMARTer Greener Cities project. 

Terhi Arola

Terhi studied in the Environmental Change and Global Sustainability master's programme at the University of Helsinki and worked on her master's thesis on the implementation process of ecosystem accounting. Her interests comprehend the policy use of environmental information.

Kayleigh Kavanagh

Kayleigh Kavanagh joined the HNT Group as a Research Assistant while completing an MSc in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability at the University of Helsinki. Her research focused on youth perspectives on carbon-smart urban green infrastructure, public participatory GIS (PPGIS), and land-use conflicts arising from urban densification. Kayleigh now works for a consulting firm, where she focuses on environmental justice, nature-based solutions, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters.

Johann Schuur

Visiting researcher and MSc candidate
Johann joined as a visiting researcher and MSc candidate from ETH Zurich. His focus was on driver and barrier mechanisms in transformations of (peri) urban landscapes by means of a serious game as part of the EU ERC Globescape project. He is guided by the concept of place-making that forms a framework to help understand the people, processes, and places at play in these transitions.

Because of the strong influence of the built environment on the interactions between humans and nature he started his studies in Architecture & the Built Environment. He believes that creating designs that intertwine with the history of a place will allow people to create a sense of place and to create place- attachment. The drive to also incorporate and understand state-of-the-art technology and nature-based processes led him to then pursue his BSc in Applied Physics. His MSc studies in Science, Technology and Policy trained him in policy analysis and design, by coupling social sciences with natural sciences and engineering disciplines. His focus lies in planning and governance of urban landscapes, the energy transition, extraction and use of (mineral) resources, (transboundary) water bodies, and incorporation of natural systems to help build more just and circular pathways for the interactions between socioeconomic and ecological systems.

Nicole Vikatmaa

Research assistant & MSc student 

Nicole has joined the team as a part of the RECONNECT project, in which she is conducting research for her Master’s thesis on private sector participation in financing biodiversity conservation. Working with the business engagement of the project, she is exploring ways to encourage private sector engagement in biodiversity conservation efforts. 

She has earned her Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Helsinki and is currently enrolled in a Master's program at the same university, pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Policy and Economics with a specialization in Governing Marine Resources.

Outside of academia, Nicole is an avid diver and a trained divemaster. With a passion for ocean conservation, she uses her love for the ocean to inspire others to protect our planet. Through her imagery and work as a divemaster, she aims to foster a deeper connection between people and our oceans, highlighting the importance of protecting these vital resources for generations to come.