The publications of the Helsinki Health Study project since 2001.
All publications
Doctoral dissertations
- Haaramo, Peija. Insomnia, ill health and work disability: a longitudinal study among employees. Doctoral dissertation. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Hjelt Institute, Department of Public Health.
- Roos, Eira. Obesity, weight change and work disability - a follow-up study among middle-aged employees. Doctoral dissertation. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Hjelt Institute, Department of Public Health.
- Lindholm V. Joint association of physical activity and body weight with subsequent physical and mental functioning: a follow-up study. Thesis of advanced studies in Medicine. University of Helsinki, May 2013.
- Svärd A. Överviktens inverkan på funktionsförmågan bland Helsingfors stads anställda. Avhandling i folkhälsovetenskap. Thesis of advanced studies in Medicine. University of Helsinki, 2011.
- Holopainen E. Liikunnan yhteys pitkiin sairauspoissaoloihin. Thesis of advanced studies in Public Health. University of Helsinki, August 2010.
- Helldán A. Vanhuuseläkkeelle siirtyneiden ruokatottumusten muutokset - Helsinki Health Studyn seurantatutkimus. Master's thesis, Nutrition Science. University of Helsinki, May 2010.
- Lyytikäinen P. Unen keston ja uniongelmien yhteydet painoon ja painonnousuun - Helsinki Health Studyn seurantatutkimus. Master's thesis, Nutrition Science. University of Helsinki, May 2010.
- Roos S. Uni ja ruokatottumukset - Helsinki Health Study. Master's thesis, Nutrition Science. University of Helsinki, May 2010.
- Seiluri T. Ruokatottumusten sosioekonomisten erojen muutokset - Helsinki Health Studyn seurantatutkimus. Master's thesis, Nutrition Science. University of Helsinki, September 2009.
- Pietiläinen O. Sosioekonomisten terveyserojen muutokset: paneelitutkimus Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöillä. Master's thesis, Sociology. University of Helsinki, April 2009.
- Kaikkonen R. Selittävätkö työolot sosioekonomisia terveyseroja? Master's thesis, Social Policy. University of Helsinki, November 2006.
- Salonsalmi A. Alkoholin käyttötavat ja sairauspoissaolot Helsingin kaupungin henkilöstössä. Thesis of advanced studies in Medicine. University of Helsinki, August 2006.
- Helkavaara M. Työ, perhe ja vaikeat elämäntapahtumat uupumusasteisen väsymyksen selittäjinä. Master's thesis, Psychology. University of Helsinki, 2006.
- Piha K. Trends in socio-economic differences in sickness absence among Finnish municipal employees 1990-1999. Thesis of advanced studies in Medicine. University of Helsinki, May 2005.
- Tötterman S. Correlates of workplace bullying: a cross-sectional study of adverse childhood experiences, psychosocial work environment and health. Master's thesis, Psychology. University of Helsinki, February 2005.
- Sipilä P. Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöiden henkisen hyvinvoinnin ja fyysisen toimintakyvyn alueellinen vaihtelu ja sitä selittävät tekijät. Master's thesis, Sociology. University of Helsinki, November 2004.
- Utriainen I. Lihavuusindikaattorit Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöiden terveystarkastusaineistossa. Thesis of advanced studies in Medicine. University of Helsinki, November 2004.
- Mäkinen T. Lapsuuden ja aikuisuuden olosuhteiden yhteys toimintakykyyn. Master's thesis, Social Policy. University of Helsinki, Setember 2004.
- Wiens J-E. Sydän- ja verisuonitautien biologiset riskitekijät Helsingin kaupungin henkilöstön keskuudessa. Thesis of advanced studies in Medicine. University of Helsinki, March 2004.
- Piha K. Individual and employment related factors and sickness absence among the employees of the City of Helsinki. Master's thesis, Organisations & Leadership. Helsinki School of Economics, May 2003.
- Talala K. Työn psykososiaaliset tekijät ja mielenterveys. Master's thesis, Social Psychology. University of Helsinki, February 2003.
- Piha K. Helsingin kaupungin henkilöstön sairauspoissaolot 1990-luvulla. Master's thesis, Social Policy. University of Helsinki, September 2001.
- Aittomäki A. Helsingin kaupungin henkilöstön työkyky ja työkyvyn taustatekijät. Thesis of advanced studies in medicine. University of Helsinki, 2001.
- Suur-Uski J, Pietiläinen O, Salonsalmi A, Pekkala J, Fagerlund P, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Long-term sickness absence trajectories among ageing municipal employees – the contribution of social and health-related factors. BMC Public Health 2023;23(1):1429.
- Salmela J, Lahti J, Kanerva N, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T. Latent classes of unhealthy behaviours and their associations with subsequent sickness absence: a prospective register-linkage study among Finnish young and early midlife employees. BMJ Open 2023;13(5):e070883.
- Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Kuivalainen S, Laaksonen M, Rahkonen O, Lahti J. Trajectories in physical functioning by occupational class among retiring women: the significance of type of retirement and social and health-related factors. J Epidemiol Community Health 2023;77:362-368
- Fagerlund P, Shiri R, Suur-Uski J, Kaartinen S, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Pain and mental health - separate and joint associations with sickness absence among young employees, Eur J Public Health 2022;32. ckac129.310.
- Karjala A, Pietiläinen O, Salonsalmi A, Lahti J, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O. Changes in occupational class differences in leisure-time physical activity and the contribution of retirement. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2023 Mar;33(3):283-291. doi: 10.1111/sms.14256.
- Harkko J, Ranta H, Lallukka T, Nordquist H, Mänty M, Kouvonen A. Working conditions and mental health functioning among young public sector employees. Scand J Public Health 2023; 51(1):98-105.
- Kaila-Kangas L, Haukka E, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Toppinen-Tanner S, Leino-Arjas P. Work-family conflicts and long-term medically certified sickness absence due to mental disorders - a follow-up study of female municipal employees. BMC Public Health 2023;23(1):1137.
- Salmela, J, Kouvonen, A, Mauramo E, Rahkonen O, Roos E, Lallukka, T. Associations of childhood and adult socioeconomic circumstances with recommended food habits among young and midlife Finnish employees. BMC Nutrition 2022;8(1), 65.
- Salonsalmi A, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Lallukka T. Associations between low parental education, childhood adversities and sickness absence in midlife public sector employees. Scand J Public Health 2022;14034948221087996.
- Salonsalmi A, Mauramo E, Rahkonen O, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E. Joint association of socioeconomic circumstances and minor mental health problems with antidepressant medication. Eur J Public Health 2022;ckac048.
- Salmela J, Roos E, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T. Sosioekonomisten tekijöiden yhteydet ruokatottumuksiin vanhuuseläkkeelle siirtymisen jälkeen: Helsinki Health Study. Sosiaalilääk Aikak 2022;59(2):210-226.
- Mauramo E, Salmela J, Bogl LH, Lallukka T, Kanerva N. Multiple socioeconomic circumstances and trajectories of fruit and vegetable consumption: the Helsinki Health Study. Scand J Public Health 2022.
- Etholén A, Pietiläinen O, Kouvonen A, Hänninen M, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Trajectories of Insomnia Symptoms Among Aging Employees and Their Associations With Memory, Learning Ability, and Concentration After Retirement - A Prospective Cohort Study (2000-2017). J Aging Health 2022;8982643221078740.
- Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Commercialization challenges open science. Eur J Public Health 2022;ckac033.
- Udd-Granat L, Lahti J, Donnelly M, Treanor C, Pirkola SP, Lallukka T, Kouvonen A. Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for common mental disorders and subsequent sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Public Health 2022;14034948221075016.
- Roos E, Seppä K, Pietiläinen O, Ryynänen H, Heikkinen S, Eriksson JG, Härkänen T, Jousilahti P, Knekt P, Koskinen S, Laaksonen M, Männistö S, Roos T, Rahkonen O, Malila N, Pitkäniemi J, METCA Study Group. Pairwise association of key lifestyle factors and risk of colorectal cancer: a prospective pooled multicohort study. Cancer Rep 2022;e1612.
- Heinonen N, Lallukka T, Lahti J, Pietiläinen O, Nordquist H, Mänty M, Katainen A, Kouvonen A. Working Conditions and Long-term Sickness Absence Due to Mental Disorders: A Prospective Record Linkage Cohort Study Among 19- to 39-year-old Female Municipal Employees. J Occup Environ Med 2022;64(2):105-114.
- Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Nordquist H, Harkko J, Pietiläinen O, Halonen JI, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Physical working conditions and subsequent sickness absence: a record linkage follow-up study among 19-39-year-old municipal employees. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2022;95(2):489-497.
- Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. Sosiaaliset tekijät ja vanheneminen. In Rantanen T et al. (eds.). Gerontologia. Duodecim, Helsinki 2022: 37-45. Index here
- Lallukka T, Rahkonen O. Terveyden sosiaaliset tekijät ja eriarvoisuus. In Patja K et al. (eds.). Terveyden edistäminen. Duodecim, Helsinki 2022: 125-133. Chapter 18
- Silventoinen K, Lallukka T. Terveyteen vaikuttavien yhteiskunnallisten tekijöiden tutkimus. In Patja K et al. (eds.). Terveyden edistäminen. Duodecim, Helsinki 2022: 361–369. Chapter 48
- Kausto J, Rosenström TH, Ervasti J, Pietiläinen O, Kaila-Kangas L, Rahkonen O, Harkko J, Väänänen A, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T. Intervention targeted at physicians' treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and sickness certification: an interrupted time series analysis. BMJ Open 2021;11(12):e047018.
- Treanor CJ, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T, Donnelly M. Acceptability of Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults: Umbrella Review. JMIR Ment Health 2021;8(7):e23091.
- Harkko J, Nordquist H, Pietiläinen O, Piha K, Mänty M, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A. Frequent short sickness absence, occupational health service utilisation and long-term sickness absence due to mental disorders among young employees. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2021;94(7):1549-1558.
- Shiri R, Hiilamo A, Lallukka T. Indicators and determinants of the years of working life lost: a narrative review. Scand J Public Health 2021;49(6):666-674.
- Harkko J. Työterveyshuolto ja eriarvoisuus sosiaalipolitiikon silmin. Blog post, 30th Nov 2021, Sosiaalipoliittinen yhdistys ry.
- Fagerlund P, Salmela J, Pietiläinen O, Salonsalmi A, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Life-course socioeconomic circumstances in acute, chronic and disabling pain among young employees: a double suffering. Scand J Public Health 2021;14034948211062314.
- Aikomus L, Lehtinen-Jacks S, Nordquist H, Pietiläinen O, Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Työn fyysisen kuormittavuuden yhteys fyysiseen toimintakykyyn alle 40-vuotiailla kunta-alan työntekijöillä. Sosiaalilääk Aikak 2021;58(4).
- Salmela J. Lapsuuden ja aikuisuuden sosioekonomisten olosuhteiden yhteydet aikuisiän painonkehitykseen. Sosiaalilääk Aikak 2021;58(4).
- Kausto J, Rosenström TH, Ervasti J, Pietiläinen O, Kaila-Kangas L, Rahkonen O, Harkko J, Väänänen A, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T. Intervention targeted at physicians’ treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and sickness certification: an interrupted time series analysis. BMJ Open 2021;11:e047018.
- Nordquist H, Harkko J, Piha K, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A. Nuorten työntekijöiden työterveyspalvelujen käyttö ennen mielenterveysperusteista sairauspäivärahajaksoa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2021;86:5-6.
- Salonsalmi A, Mauramo E, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Pietiläinen O. Multiple Socioeconomic Circumstances and Initiation of Cardiovascular Medication among Ageing Employees. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(19):10148.
- Suur-Uski J, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Trajectories of working hours in later careers and their association with social and health-related factors: a follow-up study. Eur J Public Health 2021;ckab179.
- Harkko J, Ranta H, Lallukka T, Nordquist H, Mänty M, Kouvonen A. Working conditions and mental health functioning among young public sector employees. Scand J Public Health 2021;14034948211045458.
- Lahti J, Lallukka T, Harkko J, Nordquist H, Mänty M, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A. Working conditions and antidepressant medication use: A prospective study among 18 to 39-year-old municipal employees. Psychiatry Res 2021;305:114213.
- Kivimäki M, Walker KA, Pentti J, Nyberg ST, Mars N, Vahtera J, Suominen SB, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Pietiläinen O, Koskinen A, Väänänen A, Kalsi JK, Goldberg M, Zins M, Alfredsson L, Westerholm PJM, Knutsson A, Theorell T, Ervasti J, Oksanen T, Sipilä PN, Tabak AG, Ferrie JE, Williams SA, Livingston G, Gottesman RF, Singh-Manoux A, Zetterberg H, Lindbohm JV. Cognitive stimulation in the workplace, plasma proteins, and risk of dementia: three analyses of population cohort studies. BMJ 2021;374:n1804.
- Rissanen E, Heikkinen S, Seppä K, Ryynänen H, Eriksson JG, Härkänen T, Jousilahti P, Knekt P, Koskinen S, Männistö S, Rahkonen O, Rissanen H, Malila N, Laaksonen MA, Pitkäniemi J, METCA Study Group. Incidence trends and risk factors of lung cancer in never smokers: Pooled analyses of seven cohorts. Int J Cancer 2021;149(12):2010-2019.
- Lahti J, Harkko J, Nordquist H, Piha K, Pietiläinen O, Mänty M, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T, Kouvonen A. Seeing an occupational health psychologist reduces sickness absence due to mental disorders: A quasi-experimental study. Prev Med 2021;149:106611.
- Hiilamo A, Huttu A, Øverland S, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Pain in Multiple Sites and Clusters of Cause-Specific Work Disability Development among Midlife Municipal Employees. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(7):3375.
- Kronholm E, Marshall NS, Mänty M, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Associations of Sleep and Health Functioning with Premature Exit from Work: A Cohort Study with a Methodological Emphasis. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(4):1725.
- Salonsalmi A, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Contributions of childhood adversities to chronic pain among mid-life employees. Scand J Public Health 2021;1403494820981509.
- Shiri R, Hiilamo A, Rahkonen O, Robroek SJW, Pietiläinen P, Lallukka T. Predictors of working days lost due to sickness absence and disability pension. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2021;94(5):843-854.
- Halonen JI, Lallukka T, Kujanpää T, Lahti J, Kanerva N, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Mänty M. The contribution of physical working conditions to sickness absence of varying length among employees with and without common mental disorders. Scand J Public Health 2021;49(2):141-148.
- Salmela J, Lallukka T, Kanerva N, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Mauramo E. Intergenerational social mobility and body mass index trajectories – A follow-up study from Finland. SSM Popul Health 2020;13:100723.
- Lallukka T, Shiri R. Use of pseudo-trials in public health research: a case for propensity score matching. Eur J Public Health 2020;30(3):393-394.
- Heikkilä K, Pentti J, Madsen IEH, Lallukka T, Virtanen M, Alfredsson L, Bjorner J, Borritz M, Brunner E, Burr H, Ferrie JE, Knutsson A, Koskinen A, Leineweber C, Magnusson Hanson LL, Nielsen ML, Nyberg ST, Oksanen T, Pejtersen JH, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Rugulies R, Singh-Manoux A, Steptoe A, Suominen S, Theorell T, Vahtera J, Väänänen A, Westerlund H, Kivimäki M. Job Strain as a Risk Factor for Peripheral Artery Disease: A Multi-Cohort Study. J Am Heart Assoc 2020;9(9):e013538.
- Nyberg ST, Singh-Manoux A, Pentti J, Madsen IEH, Sabia S, Alfredsson L, Bjorner JB, Borritz M, Hermann Burr H, Goldberg M, Heikkilä K, Jokela M, Knutsson A, Lallukka T, Lindbohm JV, Nielsen ML, Nordin M, Oksanen T, Pejtersen JH, Rahkonen O, Rugulies R, Shipley MJ, Sipilä PN, Stenholm S, Suominen S, Vahtera J, Virtanen M, Westerlund H, Zins M, Hamer M, Batty GD, Kivimäki M. Association of Healthy Lifestyle With Years Lived Without Major Chronic Diseases. JAMA Intern Med 2020;180(5):760-768.
- Shiri R, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Leino-Arjas P. Excess Body Mass and Leisure Time Physical Activity in the Incidence and Persistence of Chronic Pain. Pain Med 2020;21(11):3094-3101.
- Karhula K, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Lallukka T, Ojajärvi A, Puttonen S, Oksanen T, Rahkonen R, Ropponen A, Härmä M. Ageing shift workers’ sleep and working‐hour characteristics after implementing ergonomic shift‐scheduling rules. J Sleep Res 2020;e13227.
- Lallukka T, Shiri R, Pietiläinen O, Kausto J, Sumanen H, Halonen J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Mänty M, Kouvonen A. Timing of Entry into Paid Employment, Adverse Physical Work Exposures and Health: The Young Helsinki Health Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020;17(21):7854.
- Koskenvuori M, Pietiläinen O, Elovainio M, Rahkonen O, Salonsalmi A. A longitudinal study of changes in interactional justice and subsequent short-term sickness absence among municipal employees. Scand J Work Environ Health 2020;3927.
- Sumanen H, Kouvonen A. Huomio nuorten työkykyyn sote-alan opinnoissa. AMK-lehti / UAS Journal 2020:3.
- Kouvonen A. Kun puhutaan terveydestä, puhutaan myös yhteiskuntaluokista. Ilmiö, 18 May 2020.
- Harkko J, Sumanen H, Pietiläinen O, Piha K, Mänty M, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A. Socioeconomic Differences in Occupational Health Service Utilization and Sickness Absence Due to Mental Disorders: A Register-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020;17(6):2064.
- Sumanen H, Harkko J, Kouvonen A. Miten ehkäisevät työterveyshuoltopalvelut tavoittavat nuoret työntekijät? Työterveyshoitaja 2020;45(1):13–15.
- Lallukka T, Kouvonen A, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O (ed.). Kuka jaksaa jatkaa töissä? 20 vuotta Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöiden terveyden seurantatutkimusta. Helsinki: Helsingin kaupunki, 2020. 69 p. (Tutkimuksia, Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunginkanslia, kaupunkitutkimus ja -tilastot; 2020:2). ISBN: 978-952-331-814-4 (nid.) ISBN 978-952-331-815-1 (pdf.). Tiivistelmä, selattava julkaisu, liite julkaisuun.
- Sumanen H, Harkko J, Lahti J, Ketonen E, Pietiläinen O, Kouvonen A. Nuorten työntekijöiden työkyky ja työterveyshuollon palvelujen käyttö. Kotka: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, 2020. 32 p. ISBN: 978-952-344-230-6 (nid.) ISBN: 978-952-344-231-3 (pdf.).
- Salmela J, Lallukka T, Mauramo E, Rahkonen O, Kanerva N. Body Mass Index Trajectory–Specific Changes in Economic Circumstances: A Person-Oriented Approach Among Midlife and Ageing Finns. Int J Environ Res Publich Health 2020;17(10):E3668.
- Lallukka T, Hiilamo A, Pietiläinen O, Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Rahkonen O. Who maintains good health functioning? The contribution of social, work-related and behavioural factors to mental and physical health functioning trajectories in ageing employees. Occup Environ Med 2020;77(7):478-487.
- Lallukka T, Pietiläinen O, Jäppinen S, Laaksonen M, Lahti J, Rahkonen O. Factors associated with health survey response among young employees: a register-based study using online, mailed and telephone interview data collection methods. BMC Public Health 2020;20(1):184.
- Mauramo E, Lallukka T, Mänty M, Sumanen H, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Diagnosis-Specific Sickness Absence and Subsequent Common Mental Disorders: A Register-Linkage Cohort Study among Finnish Public Sector Employees. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020;17(3):782.
- Ali-Kovero K, Pietiläinen O, Mauramo E, Jäppinen S, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T, Kanerva N. Changes in fruit, vegetable, and fish consumption after statutory retirement: a prospective cohort study. Br J Nutr 2020;123(12):1390-1395.
- Shiri R, Falah-Hassani K, Lallukka T. Body mass index and the risk of disability retirement: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Occup Environ Med 2020;77(1):48–55.
- Svärd A, Lahti J, Mänty M, Roos E, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. Weight change among normal weight, overweight and obese employees and subsequent diagnosis-specific sickness absence: A register-linked follow-up study. Scand J Public Health 2020;48(2):155–163.
- Halonen JI, Mänty M, Pietiläinen O, Kujanpää T, Kanerva N, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Physical working conditions and subsequent disability retirement due to any cause, mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: does the risk vary by common mental disorders? Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2020;55(8):1021-1029.
- Lallukka T*, Hiilamo A*, Oakman J, Mänty M, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A, Halonen JI (*shared 1st authorship). Recurrent pain and work disability: a record linkage study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2020;93(4):421-432.
- Virtanen M, Jokela M, Lallukka T, Magnusson Hanson L, Pentti J, Nyberg ST, Alfredsson L, Batty GD, Casini A, Clays E, DeBacquer D, Ervasti J, Fransson E, Halonen JI, Head J, Kittel F, Knutsson A, Leineweber C, Nordin M, Oksanen T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Salo P, Singh-Manoux A, Stenholm S, Suominen SB, Theorell T, Vahtera J, Westerholm P, Westerlund H, Kivimäki M. Long working hours and change in body weight: analysis of individual-participant data from 19 cohort studies. Int J Obes 2020;44(6):1368-1375.
- Neupane S, Lallukka T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Leino-Arjas P. Trajectories of multisite musculoskeletal pain in midlife: Associations with common mental disorders. Eur J Pain 2020;24(2):364-373.
- Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Class and health in changing societies: the need for novel approaches. J Epidemiol Community Health 2020;74(1):1-2.
- Shiri R, Hiilamo A, Pietiläinen O, Mänty M, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Favourable changes in physical working conditions and the risk of all-cause sickness absence: a pseudo-experiment. Eur J Public Health 2020;30(2):253-259.
- Salmela J, Lahti J, Mauramo E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Kanerva N. Associations of changes in diet and leisure-time physical activity with employer's direct cost of short-term sickness absence. Eur J Sport Sci 2020;20(2):240-248.
- Lahti J, Kanerva N, Lallukka T, Mauramo E, Pietiläinen O, Salmela J, Torkki P, Rahkonen O. Epäterveellisten elintapojen ja unettomuusoireiden vaikutukset sairauspoissaolojen kustannuksiin. Helsinki: Työsuojelurahasto, 2019. 27 p. ISBN 978-952-94-1688-2 (nid.) ISBN 978-952-94-1689-9 (pdf.).
- Leino-Arjas P, Kaila-Kangas L, Neupane S, Shiri R, Ojajärvi A, Kausto J, Haukka E, Saastamoinen P, Lallukka T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. Hyvä työ –vähemmän kipua? Psykososiaaliset työolotekijät, fyysinen kuormitus, elintavat ja mielenterveys akuutin ja kroonisen kuvun ennustajina Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöillä. Helsinki: Työterveyslaitos, 2019. 122 p. ISBN 978-952-261-867-2 (nid.) ISBN 978-952-261-868-9 (pdf.).
- Svärd A. Lihavuuden ja mielenterveyden välinen yhteys. Sosiaalilääk Aikak 2019;56(3).
- Ervasti J, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T, Mänty M. Joint contribution of rotation of the back and repetitive movements to disability pension using job exposure matrix data. Eur J Public Health 2019;29(6):1079-1084.
- Lahelma, Pietiläinen O, Chandola T, Hyde M, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Occupational social class trajectories in physical functioning among employed women from midlife to retirement. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1):1525.
- Blomgren J, Jäppinen S, Rahkonen O, Pekkala J, Lahelma E. Pitkien sairauspoissaolojen alue-erot selittyvät vain osin väestörakenteella ja sairastavuudella. Suom Lääkäril 2019;47:2734–2743.
- Sumanen H, Harkko J, Piha K, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Kouvonen A. Association between socioeconomic position and occupational health service utilisation trajectories among young municipal employees in Finland. BMJ Open 2019;9(11):e028742.
- Kouvonen A, Mänty M, Harkko J, Sumanen H, Konttinen H, Lahti J, Pietiläinen O, Blomgren J, Tuovinen E, Ketonen EL, Stenberg JH, Donelly M, Sivertsen B, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Pirkola S, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Effectiveness of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy in reducing sickness absence among young employees with depressive symptoms: study protocol for a large-scale pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2019;9(10):e032119.
- Lallukka T, Kronholm E, Pekkala J, Jäppinen S, Blomgren J, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Work participation trajectories among 1,098,748 Finns: reasons for premature labour market exit and the incidence of sickness absence due to mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1):1418.
- Suur-Uski J, Pekkala J, Blomgren J, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Mänty M. Occupational Class Differences in Long-Term Sickness Absence Due to Breast Cancer during 2005-2013: A Population-Based Study among Finnish Women. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019;16(18):3477.
- Salmela J, Mauramo E, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Kanerva N. Associations between childhood disadvantage and adult body mass index trajectories: A follow-up study among midlife Finnish municipal employees. Obes Facts 2019;12(5):564–574.
- Salonsalmi A, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Childhood adversities, parental education and disability retirement among Finnish municipal employees. PLoS One 2019;14(7):e0219421.
- Mauramo E, Lahti J, Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. Changes in common mental disorders and diagnosis-specific sickness absence: a register-linkage follow-up study among Finnish municipal employees. Occup Environ Med 2019;76(4):230–235.
- Ervasti J, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T, Mänty M. Long-term exposure to heavy physical work, disability pension due to musculoskeletal disorders and all-cause mortality: 20-year follow-up-introducing Helsinki Health Study job exposure matrix. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2019;92(3):337–345.
- Hiilamo A, Butterworth P, Shiri R, Ropponen A, Pietiläinen O, Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Within-individual analysis of pain and sickness absence among employees from low and high occupational classes: a record linkage study. BMJ Open 2019;9(3):e026994.
- Holstila A, Lahti J, Salonsalmi A, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Eläkkeelle siirtyminen ja alkoholinkäytön muutokset. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2019;84(1):52–60.
- Ervasti J, Kouvonen A, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E, Lahti J, Lallukka T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Mänty M. Työkuormitus, työ-ja toimintakyky. 20 vuoden seurantatutkimus ja kunta-alan työaltistematriisi. Helsinki: Työterveyslaitos, 2019. 32 p. ISBN 978-952-261-849-8 (nid.) ISBN 978-952-261-850-4 (pdf).
- Hiilamo A, Shiri R, Kouvonen A, Mänty M, Butterworth P, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Common mental disorders and trajectories of work disability among midlife public sector employees – A 10-year follow-up study. J Affect Disord 2018;247:66–72.
- Kanerva N, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Pietiläinen O, Lahti J. The joint contribution of physical activity, insomnia symptoms and smoking to the cost of short‐term sickness absence. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2018;29(3):440–449.
- Roos E, Lahti J, Rahkonen O. Lifestyle and cancer-a joint pairwise association of lifestyle habits with subsequent cancer diagnosis. Eur J Public Health 2018;29(2):340–345.
- Nyberg ST, Batty GD, Pentti J, Virtanen M, Alfredsson L, Fransson EI, Goldberg M, Heikkilä K, Jokela M, Knutsson A, Koskenvuo M, Lallukka T, Leineweber C, Lindbohm JV, Madsen IEH, Magnusson Hanson LL, Nordin M, Oksanen T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Rugulies R, Shipley MJ, Stenholm S, Suominen S, Theorell T, Vahtera J, Westerholm PJM, Westerlund H, Zins M, Hamer M, Singh-Manoux A, Bell JA, Ferrie JE, Kivimäki M. Obesity and loss of disease-free years owing to major non-communicable diseases: a multicohort study. Lancet Public Health 2018;3(10):e490-e497.
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- Svärd A, Pipping H, Lahti J, Mänty M, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. Joint association of overweight and common mental disorders with diagnosis-specific disability retirement: A follow-up study among female and male employees. J Occup Environ Med 2018;60(11):979–984.
- Pietiläinen O, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E, Salonsalmi A, Rahkonen O. Occupational class inequalities in disability retirement after hospitalisation. Scand J Public Health 2018;46(3):331–339.
- Sumanen H, Piha K, Pohjonen T, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. Helsingin kaupungin henkilöstön sairauspoissaolot 2002–2016. Suom Lääkäril 2018;73:438–444.
- Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T, Lahti J, Lahelma E & Rahkonen O. Changes in physical and mental health functioning during retirement transition: a register-linkage follow-up study. Eur J Public Health 2018;28(5):805–809.
- Mauramo E, Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. Common mental disorders and sickness absence: a register-linkage follow-up study among Finnish municipal employees. J Occup Environ Med 2018;60(6):569–575.
- Pekkala J, Rahkonen O, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Blomgren J. Sickness absence due to different musculoskeletal diagnoses by occupational class: a register-based study among 1.2 million Finnish employees. Occup Environ Med 2018;75(4):296–302.
- Shiri R, Heliövaara M, Ahola K, Kaila-Kangas L, Haukka E, Kausto J, Saastamoinen P, Leino-Arjas P, Lallukka T. A screening tool for the risk of disability retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders. Scand J Work Environ Health 2018;44(1):37–46.
- Roos E, Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. The joint associations of smoking and obesity with subsequent short and long sickness absence: a five year follow-up study with register-linkage. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):978.
- Holstila A, Mänty M, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lahti J. Changes in leisure-time physical activity and physical and mental health functioning: a follow-up study. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2017;27(12):1785–1792.
- Kanerva N, Pietiläinen O, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Lahti J. Unhealthy lifestyle and sleep problems as risk factors for increased direct employers' cost of short-term sickness absence. Scand J Work Environ Health 2017;44(2):192–201.
- Niskanen R, Holstila A, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Changes in working conditions and major weight gain among normal- and overweight midlife employees. Scand J Work Environ Health 2017;43(6):587–594.
- Shiri R, Euro U, Heliövaara M, Hirvensalo M, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Karppinen J, Lahti J, Rahkonen O, Raitakari OT, Solovieva S, Yang X, Viikari-Juntura E, Lallukka T. Lifestyle Risk Factors Increase the Risk of Hospitalization for Sciatica: Findings of Four Prospective Cohort Studies. Am J Med 2017;130(12):1408–1414.e6.
- Hiilamo A, Lallukka T, Mänty M, Kouvonen A. Obesity and socioeconomic disadvantage in midlife female public sector employees: a cohort study. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):842.
- Svärd A, Lahti J, Roos E, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T, Mänty M. Obesity, change of body mass index and subsequent physical and mental health functioning: a 12-year follow-up study among ageing employees. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):744.
- Pekkala J, Blomgren J, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Occupational class differences in diagnostic-specific sickness absence: a register-based study in the Finnish population, 2005–2014. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):670.
- Pekkala J, Blomgren J, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Occupational class differences in long sickness absence: a register-based study of 2.1 million Finnish women and men in 1996–2013. BMJ Open 2017;7(7):e014325.
- Kouvonen A, Mänty M, Lallukka T, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Changes in psychosocial and physical working conditions and psychotropic medication in ageing public sector employees: a record-linkage follow-up study. BMJ Open 2017;7(7):e015573.
- Raittila S, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Alho J, Kouvonen A. Occupational class differences in trajectories of working conditions in women. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017;14(7):790.
- Sumanen H, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. The magnitude of occupational class differences in sickness absence: 15-year trends among young and middle-aged municipal employees. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017;14(6):625.
- Sumanen H, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. 10-year trends of educational differences in long sickness absence due to mental disorders. J Occup Health 2017;59(4):352–355.
- Holstila A, Mänty M, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lahti J. Statutory retirement and changes in self-reported leisure-time physical activity: a follow-up study with three time-points. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):528.
- Salonsalmi A, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Laaksonen M. The association between alcohol drinking and self-reported mental and physical functioning: a prospective cohort study among City of Helsinki employees. BMJ Open 2017;7(4):e014368.
- Piha K, Sumanen H, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Socioeconomic differences in health check-ups and medically certified sickness absence: a 10-year follow-up among middle-aged municipal employees in Finland. J Epidemiol Community Health 2017;71(4):390–395.
- Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Changes in leisure-time physical activity and subsequent common mental disorders among ageing employees. Eur J Public Health 2017;27(4):765–767.
- Roos E, Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Joint associations between smoking and obesity as determinants of premature mortality among midlife employees. Eur J Public Health 2017;27(1):135–139.
- Virtanen M, Lallukka T, Ervasti J, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Pentti J, Pietiläinen O, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. The joint contribution of cardiovascular disease and socioeconomic status to disability retirement: A register linkage study. Int J Cardiol 2017;230:222–227.
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- Sumanen H, Pietilainen O, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Short sickness absence and subsequent sickness absence due to mental disorders – a follow-up study among municipal employees. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):15.
- Mänty M, Lallukka T, Lahti J, Pietilainen O, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Physical and mental health functioning after all-cause and diagnosis-specific sickness absence: a register-linkage follow-up study among ageing employees. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1):114.
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- Hannu T, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Täyden ja osatyökyvyttömyyseläkkeen riskitekijöiden erot kuntatyöntekijöillä. Suom Lääkäril 2016;71:236–242.
- Holstila A, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lahti J. Changes in Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Subsequent Sickness Absence Due to Any Cause, Musculoskeletal, and Mental Causes. J Phys Act Health 2016;13(8):867–873.
- Kouvonen A, Mänty M, Lallukka T, Lahelma E & Rahkonen O. Changes in psychosocial and physical working conditions and common mental disorders. Eur J Public Health 2016;26(3):458–463.
- Lahelma E, Pietilainen O, Ferrie J, Kivimaki M, Lahti J, Marmot M, Rahkonen O, Sekine M, Shipley M, Tatsuse T, Lallukka T. Changes over time in absolute and relative socioeconomic differences in smoking: A comparison of cohort studies from Britain, Finland and Japan. Nicotine Tob Res 2016;18(8):1697–1704.
- Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lahti J, Lallukka T. Mental symptoms and cause-specific mortality among midlife employees. BMC Public Health 2016;16(1):1142.
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- Lahti J, Sabia S, Singh-Manoux A, Kivimäki M, Tatsuse T, Yamada M, Sekine M, Lallukka T. Leisure-time physical activity and subsequent physical and mental health functioning among midlife Finnish, British and Japanese employees – a follow-up study in three occupational cohorts. BMJ Open 2016;6(1):e009788.
- Lallukka T, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. The contribution of smoking to mortality during working age at different levels of leisure-time physical activity. Eur J Public Health 2016;26(5):826–830.
- Lallukka T, Podlipskytė A, Sivertsen B, Andruškienė J, Varoneckas, G, Ursin R, Tell G S, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Insomnia symptoms and mortality: a register‐linked study among women and men from Finland, Norway and Lithuania. J Sleep Res 2016;25(1):96–103.
- Lallukka T, Haario P, Haaramo P, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Lihavuus ja painonmuutokset ovat yhteydessä unettomuusoireisiin. Sosiaalilääk Aikak 2016;53(2).
- Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Pre-retirement physical working conditions and changes in physical health functioning during retirement transition process. Scand J Work Environ Health 2016;42(5):405–412.
- Saastamoinen P, Leino-Arjas P, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E. Separate and combined associations of pain and emotional exhaustion with sickness absence. Pain 2016;157(1):186–193.
- Sumanen H, Lahelma E, Lahti J, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. Educational differences in sickness absence trends among young employees from 2002 to 2013 in Helsinki, Finland. BMJ Open 2016;6(5):e008550.
- Sumanen H, Rahkonen O, Pietiläinen O, Lahelma E, Roos E, Lahti J. Educational differences in disability retirement among young employees in Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Public Health 2016;26(2):318–322.
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- Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Lallukka T. Common mental disorders and cause-specific disability retirement. Occup Environ Med 2015;72(3):181–187.
- Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Kivimäki M, Martikainen P, Ferrie J, Marmot M, Shipley M, Sekine M, Tatsuse T, Lallukka T. Social class inequalities in health among occupational cohorts from Finland, Britain and Japan: A follow up study. Health Place 2015;31:173–179.
- Lallukka T, Mauramo E, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Economic difficulties and subsequent disability retirement. Scand J Public Health 2015;43(2):169–175.
- Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lahti J. Joint associations of smoking and physical activity with disability retirement: a register-linked cohort study. BMJ Open 2015;5(7):e006988-2014-006988.
- Loponen T, Lallukka T, Holstila A, Lahti J. Joint association of physical activity and overweight with subsequent psychotropic medication: a register-linked follow-up study among employees. BMC Public Health 2015;15:1006.
- Mänty M, Kouvonen A, Lallukka T, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Changes in working conditions and physical health functioning among midlife and ageing employees. Scand J Work Environ Health 2015;41(6):511–518.
- Roos E, Laaksonen M, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. Weight change and sickness absence-a prospective study among middle-aged employees. Eur J Public Health 2015;25(2):263–267.
- Salonsalmi A, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Laaksonen M. Changes in alcohol drinking and subsequent sickness absence. Scand J Public Health 2015;43(4):364–372.
- Sumanen H, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. 12-year trends in occupational class differences in short sickness absence among young women. Scand J Public Health 2015;43(4):441–444.
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- Sumanen H, Pietiläinen O, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Interrelationships between education, occupational class and income as determinants of sickness absence among young employees in 2002–2007 and 2008–2013. BMC Public Health 2015;15:332.
- Sumanen H, Pietiläinen O, Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Sickness absence among young employees: trends from 2002 to 2013. J Occup Health 2015;57(5):474–481.
- Haaramo P, Rahkonen O, Hublin C, Laatikainen T, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. Insomnia symptoms and subsequent cardiovascular medication: a register-linked follow-up study among middle-aged employees. J Sleep Res 2014;23(3):281–289.
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- Lahti J, Holstila A, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Leisure-time physical activity and all-cause mortality. PLoS One 2014;9(7):e101548.
- Laine H, Saastamoinen P, Lahti J, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E. The associations between psychosocial working conditions and changes in common mental disorders: a follow-up study. BMC Public Health 2014;14:588.
- Lallukka T, Ferrie JE, Kivimäki M, Shipley MJ, Sekine M, Tatsuse T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Marmot MG, Lahelma E. Conflicts between work and family life and subsequent sleep problems among employees from Finland, Britain, and Japan. Int J Behav Med 2014;21(2):310–318.
- Lallukka T, Øverland S, Haaramo P, Saastamoinen P, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B. The Joint Contribution of pain and insomnia to sickness absence and disability retirement: A register-linkage study among Norwegian and Finnish employees. Eur J Pain 2014;18(6):883–892.
- Leinonen T, Martikainen P, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E. Excess mortality after disability retirement due to mental disorders: variations by socio-demographic factors and causes of death. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2014;49(4):639–649.
- Saastamoinen P, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E, Lallukka T, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O. Changes in working conditions and subsequent sickness absence. Scand J Work Environ Health 2014;40(1):82–88.
- Haario P, Rahkonen O, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. Bidirectional associations between insomnia symptoms and unhealthy behaviours. J Sleep Res 2013;22(1):89–95.
- Korpela K, Roos E, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Laaksonen M. Different measures of body weight as predictors of sickness absence. Scand J Public Health 2013;41(1):25–31.
- Lahelma E, Aittomäki A, Laaksonen M, Lallukka T, Martikainen P, Piha K, Rahkonen O, Saastamoinen P. Cohort profile: the Helsinki Health Study. Int J Epidemiol 2013;42(3):722–730.
- Lahti J, Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Leisure-time physical activity and psychotropic medication: a prospective cohort study. Prev Med 2013;57(3):173–177.
- Lahti J, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Laaksonen M. Leisure-time physical activity and disability retirement: a prospective cohort study. J Phys Act Health 2013;10(5):669–675.
- Lallukka T, Ferrie JE, Rahkonen O, Shipley MJ, Pietiläinen O, Kivimäki M, Marmot MG, Lahelma E. Change in economic difficulties and physical and mental functioning: Evidence from British and Finnish employee cohorts. Scand J Work Environ Health 2013;39(5):521–530.
- Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Changes in economic difficulties and subsequent sickness absence: a prospective register-linkage study. BMJ Open 2013;3(1):e002212.
- Lallukka T, Haaramo P, Rahkonen O, Sivertsen B. Joint associations of sleep duration and insomnia symptoms with subsequent sickness absence: the Helsinki Health Study. Scand J Public Health 2013;41(5):516–23.
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- Leinonen T, Lahelma E, Martikainen P. Trajectories of antidepressant medication before and after retirement: the contribution of socio-demographic factors. Eur J Epidemiol 2013;28(5):417–426.
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- Haaramo P, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T. The joint association of sleep duration and insomnia symptoms with disability retirement: A longitudinal register-linked study. Scand J Work Environ Health 2012;38(5):427–435.
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- Kääriä S, Laaksonen M, Leino-Arjas P, Saastamoinen P, Lahelma, E. Low back pain and neck pain as predictors of sickness absence among municipal employees. Scand J Work Environ Health 2012;40(2):150–156.
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- Laaksonen M, Metsä-Simola N, Martikainen P, Pietiläinen O, Rahkonen O, Gould R, Partonen T, Lahelma E. Trajectories of mental health before and after old-age and disability retirement: a register-based study on purchases of psychotropic drugs. Scand J Work Environ Health 2012;39(5):409–417.
- Laaksonen M, Martikainen P, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E. The effect of occupational and workplace gender composition on sickness absence. J Occup Environ Med 2012;54(2):224–230.
- Laaksonen M, Lallukka T, Lahelma E. Partonen T. Working conditions and psychotropic medication: a prospective cohort study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2012;47(4):663–670.
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- Lahelma E, Lallukka T, Laaksonen M, Saastamoinen P, Rahkonen O. Workplace bullying and common mental disorders: a follow-up study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66(6):e3.
- Lahelma E, Martikainen P, Pietiläinen O, Tarkiainen L. Terveyserot jatkavat kasvuaan. In: Reivinen J, L Vähäkylä L (eds.). Kansan terveys, yksilön hyvinvointi. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2012. pp. 21–36.
- Lahelma E, Uusitalo H, Martikainen P. Longer work careers through tackling socioeconomic inequalities in disability retirement. Eur J Public Health 2012;22(3):299–300.
- Lahti J, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Changes in leisure-time physical activity and subsequent sickness absence: A prospective cohort study among middle-aged employees. Prev Med 2012;55(6):618–622.
- Lallukka T, Ferrie JE, Kivimäki M, Shipley MJ, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E. Economic difficulties and subsequent sleep problems: Evidence from British and Finnish occupational cohorts. Sleep Med 2012;13(6):680–685.
- Lallukka T, Haario P, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. Associations of relative weight with subsequent changes over time in insomnia: A follow-up study among middle-aged women and men. Sleep Med 2012;13(10):1271–1279.
- Lallukka T, Haukka J, Partonen T, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E. Workplace bullying and subsequent psychotropic medication: a cohort study with register linkages. BMJ Open 2012;2(6):e001660.
- Leinonen T, Martikainen P. Lahelma E. Interrelationships between education, occupational social class, and income as determinants of disability retirement. Scand J Public Health 2012;40(2):157–166.
- Loman T, Lahelma E, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O. Ruokatottumusten sosioekonomiset erot ja muutokset ikääntyvillä työntekijöillä. Sosiaalilääk Aikak 2012;49(2).
- Mauramo E, Lallukka T, Laaksonen M, Martikainen P, Rahkonen O. Lahelma E. Past and present socioeconomic circumstances and psychotropic medication: a register-linkage study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66(12):1143–1151.
- Pietiläinen O, Laaksonen M, Pitkäniemi J. M, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E. Changes of occupational class differences in physical functioning: a panel study among employees (2000-2007). J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66(3):265–270.
- Rahkonen O, Lallukka T, Kronholm E, Vahtera J, Lahelma E. Laaksonen M. Sleep problems and sickness absence among middle-aged employees. Scand J Work Environ Health 2012;38(1):47–55.
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- Aittomäki A, Martikainen P, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O. The associations of household wealth and income with self-rated health: A study on economic advantage in middle-aged Finnish men and women. Soc Sci Med 2010;71(5):1018–1026.
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- Lallukka T, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Roos E, Laaksonen E, Martikainen P, Head J, Brunner E, Mosdol A, Marmot M, Sekine M, Nasermoaddeli A, Kagamimori S. Associations of job strain and working overtime with adverse health behaviors and obesity: Evidence from the Whitehall II Study, Helsinki Health Study, and the Japanese Civil Servants Study. Soc Sci Med 2008;66(8):1681–1698.
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- Aittomäki A, Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Leino-Arjas P, Martikainen P. The contribution of musculosceletal disorders and physical workload to socioeconomic inequalities in health. Eur J Public Health 2007;17(2):145–150.
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- Chandola T, Martikainen P, Bartley M, Lahelma E, Marmot M, Michikazu S, Nasermoaddeli A, Kagamimori S. Does conflict between home and work explain the effect of multiple roles on mental health? A comparative study of Finland, Japan and the UK. Int J Epidemiol 2004;33(4):884–893.
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