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November 19 (Thursday)
09.45 AM
Takeshi Ito & Beatrice Melo, Sophia University, Japan “Japan’s War against Waste in the post-War period: Towards the Creation of a Circular Society”
10.00 AM
Iris Borowy, Shanghai University, China “Human Waste – why what seems naturally circular is not really circular”
10.15 AM
Lis Suarez-Visbal, Utrecht University, The Netherlands "Assessing the social impact of circular strategies in the apparel value chain"
14.00 PM
David Ness, University of South Australia “Beyond circularity: Do we need to shrink and share?”
14.15 PM
Halima Sacranie, University of Birmingham, UK & Sultan Çetin, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands “The Social Impact of Circular Housing: A Study of Tenant Engagement and Impact in Europe”
14.30 PM
Marileena Mäkelä (1,2) Tiina Onkila (1) Milla Sarja (1) Mira Valkjärvi (3) Katariina Koistinen (3) Satu Teerikangas (3) (1) Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (2) School of Resource Wisdom, University of Jyväskylä (3) Turku School of Economics, University of Turku “Successful circular economy – From an engineering tool to socio-cultural approach”
17.45 PM
Pipiet Larasatie, Oregon State University USA, Alicja Kacprzak, UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section in Geneva, Switzerland, Eric Hansen, Oregon State University, USA “Does gender equality matter in a circular economy? An empirical and policy perspective from forest sector practitioners”
18.15 PM
John Richard Ashlin, UK “Coventry 2021 UK City of Culture: A platform for accelerating the transformation to Circular Economy?”
18.45 PM
Raysa França, Erkki-Jussi Nylén, Ari Jokinen, Pekka Jokinen, University of Tampere, Finland “Filling the Social Gap in the Circular Economy: Circularity and Solidarity for the Socially Just Urban Transition”
19.00 PM
Luciana Benetti Marques Valio, Brazil “Double standard”: construction processes and related world views”
November 20 (Friday)
10.15 AM
Soontaraporn Techapalokul, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand “Social and Cultural Aspects of a Circular Economy: the Foundations of Sustainable Development”
10.30 AM
Pinar Temochin, Hiroshima University, Japan “Examining the Role of Community Involvement in Environmental Governance in Southern India: The Case of Kozhikode, Kerala”
11.00 AM
Nina Kokkonen, Ulla-Maija Knuutti, Juuso Puurula, Mervi Friman, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland “From Competition to Co-creation – Case “Circular Economy Excellence for finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)”
13.45 PM
Rouven Symank, European University Institute, Italy “Values and Best Practices in Solidarity-based Models of the Circular Economy”
14.00 PM
Carlos Miret, UK “How does the circular economy interact with urban food system transformation? Exploring the circular economy for food through Brighton & Hove’s urban food strategy”
14.15 PM
Kirsi Sonck-Rautio & Nina Tynkkynen, Åbo Akademi University, Finland “Power and responsibility in transition to sustainable food packaging”
14.30 PM
Taina Pihlajarinne, University of Helsinki, Finland "Circular economy, regulation and culture - sustainable lifespan as a new legal principle"
16.30 PM
Debapriya Ray, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinag, India & Mridul Pareek, Ghent University, Belgium “Challenges to Sharing Economy in India: from a social sustainability perspective”
16.45 PM
Tariro Kamuti, University of the Free State, South Africa “Social and Cultural Aspects of the Circular Economy in the Wildlife Ranching Sector in South Africa”
17.00 PM
Lauren Pope, WASTE Advisers on Urban Environment and Development, The Netherlands “Striving for Neutrality: Social Acceptability of the Circular Sanitation Economy in India (Case Studies from the Nilgiris)”
17.15 PM
Dario Cottafava, University of Turin, Italy & Grazia Sveva Ascione, University of Turin and Université de Bordeaux, France “Circular Economy: new paradigm or just relabelling? A Quantitative Text and Social Network”
17.30 PM
Kathrin Eitel, Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M., Germany “Invisible Infracycles. Suggestions towards a widened circular economy approach based on the empirical example of waste pickers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia”
17.45 PM
Sabine Lettmann, Birmingham City University, UK & Pia Schmoeckel, Maastricht University, Netherlands “From Global Problem to Local Solution – How a Future Directed Circular Economy Can Foster Social Change”