
Youtube videos of Helsinki Humanities Programme Environmental Humanities Forum talks.

(Please note that before October 29, 2019 talks were recorded via Twitter).


HUH EH Forum @Zoom 50, Raysa França, Tampere University Erkki-Jussi Nylén, Tampere University Ari Jokinen, Tampere University Pekka Jokinen, Tampere University CICAT2025 research group, Can cities over­come cap­it­al­ism? Cir­cu­lar­ity and solid­ar­ity for sustainable cities, 22 February 2022, (Tuesday) 14.00-15.30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 49, Sabine Lettmann and Pia Schmoeckel, From Global Prob­lem to Local Solu­tion – How a Fu­ture Dir­ec­ted Cir­cu­lar Eco­nomy Can Foster So­cial Change, 8 February 2022, (Tuesday) 14.00-15.30

Autumn 2021

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 48, Inna Häkkinen, "Energy(and)Storytelling" November 24, 2021, (Wednesday) 16:00-18:00

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 47, Victoria Soyan Peemot, University of Helsinki Finland "Storying with Land: Tracing Environmental and Societal Changes in the Sayan and Altay Mountains, Inner Asia" November 23, 2021, (Tuesday) 14:00-15:30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 46, Alicia Ng, University of Helsinki, Fiinland "Polluted Histories, Clean Futures? Differing Scenarios for an Electronic Waste Circular Economy in China" 19 November 2021 (Friday) 14:00-15:30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 45, "Eco-Poetics for the More-Than-Human World: A Reading and Conversation. Featuring Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Joseph Bruchac, Cheryl J. Fish, Juan Carlos Galeano, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, and Mary Newell" November 17, 2021 (Wednesday) 18:00-19:30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 44, "Reconceptualizing China’s Environmental Challenges" Online Seminar at the Helsinki Environmental Humanities Month, November 16, 2021 (Tuesday), 13:00-14:30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 43, "Hunting for Hope: New Perspectives on the History of Game and Fish Management" Online Workshop at the Helsinki Environmental Humanities Month, November 9, 2021 (Tuesday), 15:30-17:30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 42, David Ness, University of South Australia, Australia "Consumption Disparity, The Elephant in the COP26 Room" Social and Cultural Aspects of the Circular Economy Book Talk Series, November 2, 2021 (Tuesday), 11:00-12:30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 41, Iryna Sku­bii, Queen's University, Canada "Food waste, fam­ine, and sur­vival: the en­viron­men­tal his­tory of the Holodo­mor in So­viet Ukraine" September 28, 2021 (Tuesday), 16.00- 17.30

Spring 2021

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 40, Carl A. Zi­m­ring, Pratt In­sti­tute, USA "An Urban His­tory Per­spect­ive on Dis­card Stud­ies" Waste Now! His­tor­ies and Con­tem­por­al­it­ies of Dis­cards On­line Conference Opening Keynote, June 4, 2021 (Friday), 22.00-23.30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 39, Birgitte Beck Pris­ted, Aar­hus University, Den­mark "Point of no re­turn: So­viet pa­per re­uses and waste re­cov­ery 1932-1945" April 20, 2021 (Tuesday), at 14.00- 15.30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 38, Minna Val­jakka, University of Helsinki “Shades of Green: En­vir­on­ment­ally En­gaged Art in East and South­east Asia” March 16 (Tuesday), at 14.00- 15.30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 37, Anna Varga, University of Pécs “Applied en­viron­men­tal his­tory: re-in­tro­duc­tion of forest graz­ing into policy, con­ser­va­tion and prac­tices” March 9 (Tuesday), at 14.00- 15.30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 36, Mariia Koskina, State University of New York in Bing­hamton “A Boy Meets a Girl, and They Build a Dam: Trans­form­a­tion of Siberia in Late-So­viet In­dus­trial Cinema” February 9 (Tuesday), at 14.00- 15.30

Autumn 2020

"So­cial and Cultural As­pects of Cir­cu­lar Eco­nomy" A Global Zoom Work­shop, November 19-20, 2020 (Thursday & Friday) Conveyed by Viktor Pál (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Israel Dunmade (Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada)

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 35, Olga Cielemęcka, University of Turku “Ar­botem­por­al­it­ies in the Bi­ałow­ieża Forest, Po­land” November 10 (Tuesday), at 14.00- 15.30

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 34, Mari­ana Galvão Lyra, University of East­ern Fin­land, Chal­len­ging ex­tract­iv­ism: Act­iv­ism over the af­ter­math of the Fun­dão dis­as­ter, October 27 (Tuesday), at 16.00- 17.30

Suo­men ym­päristöhis­tori­apäivä / En­viron­men­tal his­tory day of Fin­land (Ympäristö historiassa ja ympäristön merkitys suomalaiselle historiantutkimukselle / Environment in History and the Importance of the Environment for Finnish History Scholarship), October 13 (Tuesday) at 9.00-12.00

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 33, An­drei Vino­gradov, Rachel Car­son Cen­ter & University of Ty­u­men, Rain­bow in the Volga. Struggle with oil pol­lu­tion in late im­per­ial and early So­viet Rus­sia (1873-1931), October 6 (Tuesday), at 14.00-15.30

ZOOM Work­shop "The De­vel­op­ment of Waste; the Waste of De­vel­op­ment" Center for the History of Global Development, Shanghai Univ. with Helsinki Environmental Humanities Hub, October 5 (18.00-22.00 GMT+8) Peter Wynn Kirby, Oxford University, “Waste, Development, and the Recycling Myth”

ZOOM Work­shop "The De­vel­op­ment of Waste; the Waste of De­vel­op­ment" Center for the History of Global Development, Shanghai Univ. with Helsinki Environmental Humanities Hub, October 5 (18.00-22.00 GMT+8) Viktor Pál, University of Helsinki, “Waste and Communism under the Cold War”

ZOOM Work­shop "The De­vel­op­ment of Waste; the Waste of De­vel­op­ment" Center for the History of Global Development, Shanghai Univ. with Helsinki Environmental Humanities Hub, October 5 (18.00-22.00 GMT+8) Iris Borowy, Shanghai University, "Waste - on the Diversity of a Growing International Research Field"

HUH EH Forum @Zoom 32, Iris Borowy, Shang­hai University, China "Health - En­vir­on­ment - Eco­nomy: The Fate­ful Tri­angle at times of Covid-19", September 22 (Tuesday), at 14.00-15.30

Spring 2020

HUH EH Forum 31, Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Amazonian Indigenous biocultural heritage, temporality, and communal protection of ancestral landscapes, March 3 (Tuesday), at 14.15-15.45

HUH EH Forum 30, Anastasia Fedotova, Russian Academy of Science "Nature and Culture in Białowieża Forest in the Nineteenth Century” February 4, 2020 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 29, Risto-Matti Matero, University of Jyväskylä "Competing belief systems in Finnish and German green parties", January 28, 2020 (Tuesday), at 14.15-15.45

Autumn 2019

HUH EH Forum 28, Andy Bruno, Northern Illinois University, USA, “Mystery-Solving in the Siberian Taiga: An Environmental History of Tunguska Investigations”, December 9, 2019 (Monday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 27, Robert Groß, Innsbruck University, Austria, “The Marshall Plan. A turning point in European Environmental History?”, December 3, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 26, Heli Huhtamaa, Heidelberg University, Germany, “Past for future: How 17th century volcanic eruptions and Finnish agricultural crises can provide insights into climate geoengineering?”, November 12, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 25, Imre Szeman, University of Waterloo, Canada, “Eight Principles for a Critical Theory of Energy”, November 5, 2019 (Tuesday), at 16.00- 17.15 (discussion until 18.00)

HUH EH Forum 24, Per Högselius, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden “Nuclear Disasters Wet and Dry”, November 5, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 23, Robert Brinkmeyer, University of South Carolina, USA, “Patriotism, Land, and Community: The Agrarian Vision of Wendell Berry”, October 29, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 22, Reetta Toivanen, HELSUS, University of Helsinki “Sustainability – Indigenous peoples between maintenance and change”, October 8, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 21, Nina Tynkkynen, Åbo Akademi University, “Marine humanities” and social sciences in Turku: The challenge of cross-disciplinary research, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45,

HUH EH Forum 20, Mark Stoll, Texas Tech University, USA “Religion and Environmentalist Thought and Activismin Europe and the United States”, August 27, 2019 (Tuesday), at 14.15- 15.45,

HUH EH Forum 19, Stephen Brain, Mississippi State University, USA, “Biospheres of Influence”, August 27, 2019 (Tuesday), at 12.15- 13.45

Spring 2019

HUH EH Forum 18., Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki “Hydrocarbon Culture in the making in Russia”, May 21, 2019, (Tuesday), 16.15-17.45

HUH EH Forum 17., Kati Lindström, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden “Nature or Culture? Negotiating Outstanding Universal Value of Mt Fuji in the Japanese World Heritage Nomination”, May 14, 2019, (Tuesday), 14.15-15.45

HUH EH Forum 15, Marcy Rockman, IPCC lead, Climate Change and Heritage Working Group Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Washington, DC “Cultural Heritage as a Source of Creativity for Climate Change”, March 19, 2019, at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 13, Katherine Borland, Ohio State University, USA & University of Helsinki, “How about Slow Activism?: Grassroots Environmentalism in Southern Ohio”, February 26, 2019, at 14.15- 15.45

HUH EH Forum 12., February 19, 2019, (Tuesday) 14.15-15.45, Veronica Walker Vadillo, University of Helsinki, HCAS, “The birth of riverine cultural traditions in the Mekong River during the Angkor era”, Metsätalo, sali A113

Autumn 2018

December 11, 2018, Scott Slovic, University of Idaho, USA

“Toward an Empirical Environmental Humanities: What Counts as Data?”

December 11, 2018, Finn Arne Jørgensen, University of Stavanger, Norway, “Is Recycling Garbage? Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Actors Through Discard Studies”

November 13, 2018, Inna Sukhenko, International Postdoctoral Fellow from the Helsinki University Humanities Programme, “Nuclear Criticism: Before and After Chernobyl”

October 30, 2018, Julia Lajus, Higher School of Economics St Petersburg, Russia

“Natural resources in environmental and technological history of Russia”

October 16, 2018, Cheryl J. Fish, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York

and Docent at Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki, “Media, Image, Sound: Elegiac Ecojustice by Sami Artists in Response to Extractivism and Climate Change.”

HUH EH Forum 6., October 8-9, 2018, HUH EH panels at First Baltic Conference on Environmental Humanities, Riga, Latvia

HUH EH Forum 5., October 3, 2018, (Wed) Lars C. Bruno, Norwegian Business School (jointly with Economic and Social History

Spring 2018

HUH EH Forum 4., Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 2-4 pm., Unioninkatu 38 (Topelia), lecture room A206, Viktor Pál and Vesa Matteo Piludu

HUH EH Forum 3., Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 2-4 pm., Unioninkatu 38 (Topelia), lecture room D112, Ulrike Plath & Julia Tofantšuk (University of Tallinn), Introduction to environmental humanities activities in Tallinn and Estonia

HUH EH Forum 2., Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 2-4 pm., Unioninkatu 38 (Topelia), lecture room D112, Dr. Paula Schönach, Research Coordinator for the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), Introduction to HELSUS. PHOTOS>>>

HUH EH Forum 1., Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 2-4 pm., Unioninkatu 38 (Topelia), lecture room D112, Organizational meeting