ESEH Next Generation Action Team pub night!
Where: NOKU Club (Pikk 5) - password for door lock 2580
When: Tuesday, August 20, 18.30
Contact person: Roberta Biasillo -
We are happy to invite all participants at the conference to their first official event on August 20 as a sort of kick-off meeting of the conference. The event format will be a pub night targeting primarily doc and post-doctoral researchers, their needs and aspirations, meanwhile scholars at all stages are most welcome to share their experiences, have a chat over a beer, support and been informed about the activities of the NEXTGATe.
Marco Armiero, Szabó Péter, and Anna-Katharina Woebse have confirmed their presence, along the six members of the NEXTGATe (Viktor Pál, Roberta Biasillo, Elena Kochetkova, Tayler Meredith, Simone Schleper, Erin Spinney).
For more information about NEXTGATe´s activities and agenda, read this short article (available open access) “Emerging Scholars in the Age of Uncertainty: Goals and Plans of ESEH Next Generation Action Team in 2018–19”, Environment and History 2018, Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 579-581.
The pub would like to know in advance how many of us will roughly take part in the event, thus if you are willing to come we would really appreciate if you could drop Roberta Biasillo a line ( by August 17.
Happy to answer any questions or concerns!
If you can make it a bit earlier, on August 20 at the same venue from 16.30-18.30 we will invite you to meet the Helsinki Environmental Humanities. Mikko Saikku leads a research program that partly focusing on Envhum and from 2020 Helsinki they will likely have an Envhum study program so we could talk about present activities and future plans with anyone interested.
Everyone is welcome!
ESEH Next Generation Action Team