Energy Humanities session at the Sustainability Science Days 2019

The conference will host eleven scientific sessions, convened by session leaders from the Aalto University and University of Helsinki. The sessions will cover a range of approaches within the sustainability science and the conference theme, including energy, food systems, and methodological aspects. In case you have questions in regard to the content of the sessions, please contact the conveners directly.

All the sessions are held in the Undergraduate centre of Aalto University. Please find below the specific rooms allocated for each session.

Ses­sion 4: En­ergy Hu­man­it­ies


Burning problems related to energy production and use cannot be solved by sciences only but call for the development of interdisciplinary approaches that draw on humanities and social sciences – energy humanities. While bridging between natural sciences and humanities, energy humanities not only remap the geopolitical and ecological factors of energy policy at various levels but also develop new vocabulary (e.g. petroculture, nuclear phobia, nuclear identity, energy liberation, plutonium economy) and methodological tools (ecocriticism, nuclear criticism, econarratology etc.) to map the energetic history of humanity.


Parker Krieg (University of Helsinki): Coal Optimism: Carbon Ideologies and Structures of Feeling

Inna Sukhenko (University of Helsinki): Framing “Nuclear” Fiction as Archive within Energy Humanities

Atte Harjanne (Aalto University School of Business / Finnish Meteorological Institute) & Janne M. Korhonen  (Turku School of Economics): Ditch the concept of renewables, talk about emissions – the risks of ambiguous normativity in the field of energy policy

Judit Nyari & Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio (Energy Conversion research group, Aalto University School of Engineering): From linear to circular energy model in transport

Athanasios Votsis & Riina Haavisto (Socio-economic Impact Research Group, Finnish Meteorological Institute): Urban DNA and sustainability outcomes: Planning pathways toward SDGs?


Harri Paananen (City of Espoo)


Inna Sukhenko (Univ. of Helsinki), inna.sukhenko(at)

Viktor Pal (National Research University Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg, Russia), vpal(at)

Meri Jalonen (Aalto University), meri.jalonen(at)

The panel will also include an introduction to the topic by the convenors.