Environmental Humanities Month 2022 program is now completed, it run on volunteers' efforts from October to December to celebrate the diversity and fresh perspectives of environmental humanities. In 2022 #Envhum Month included over 30 events by more than 100 contributors. Looking forward to seeing you in 2023 again!

The Environmental Humanities Month is made possible with your help! We always strive to bring interesting people and ideas together and having a domain would allow us to continue doing this in the future. By donating (even the price of a cup of coffee helps!) you are helping to build this wonderful community and online archive. Please make your donations HERE



October 6 (Thursday) 18.00-20.00 (Helsinki), 13.00-15.00 (Shanghai), online

Living in the Wasteocene? Discards and the Culture of Waste in the 21st century (Part 1)

Iris Borowy, Shanghai University, Peter Wynn Kirby, University of Oxford, Viktor Pál

The unprecedented accumulation of a growing variety of waste, including discarded plastics, paper, food, glass or metals, creates problems whose global reach can as yet only be estimated.  It forms a key  facet of the fact that the form of development embraced by societies around the world during the last decades has been characterized by the disposal of large quantities of materials and products on land, in water or in the air, often after only brief periods of usage. Marco Armiero has coined the expression of “wasteocene,” depicting an era increasingly defined by the massive transformation of natural resources into trash, partly toxic material, which is no longer used by humans or any other living beings on Earth. Professor Borowy and discussants Dr Kirby and Dr Pál will consider the waste issue in the Wasteocene from a historical perspective. 

More information available from Center for the History of Global Development, Shanghai University


October 6-13, Chile

Río Tinto Field School, A journey through the red mirror of the Anthropocene


October 11 (Tuesday) 15.00-16.30 (Helsinki), hybrid

Planting ideas for vegetal humanities and art research 

Annette Arlander, Karoliina Lummaa, and Olga Cielemecka

Place: University of Helsinki, Porthania 224, Yliopistonkatu 3

After the event (16.45-18.00), we will hold a ‘Playful planting’ narrative game to consider the role of playfulness, imagination, and story-telling in the emergent strategies for living together in times of climate emergency and biodiversity loss.

No registration needed for live participation, please register for Zoom link via the link above by 10.10.2022.


October 13 (Thursday) 18.15-20.00 (Shanghai), online

Lecture by Nitin Desai, former UN Under Secretary General for Sustainable Development, and organizer of the Rio Earth Summit (1992), the Copenhagen Social Development Summit (1995), the Monterrey Finance and Development Summit (2002) and the Johannesburg Sustainable Development Summit (2002)

"The New Emerging Global Order Prospects for Economic Development and Sustainability"

For Zoom details please contact: historyglobaldevelopment(at)posteo(dot)net 


October 13 (Thursday) 14.15-15.45 (Finland), live

Nature and Nation. Environmental Engineering in the Carpathian Basin since 1800

Viktor Pál, University of Jyväskylä

Place: University of Jyväskylä, Historica, H404

No registration needed, no streaming. 


October 13 (Thursday) 15.15-16.30 (Oslo), live

Soils and Fungi: Thinking and Being with Mycelial Relations

Michael J. Hathaway, Simon Fraser University 

Place: Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, 12th floor Niels Treschows hus


October 16 (Sunday) 13.00-17.00 (Helsinki), live

Project Campfire Catering. Discussions and actions that flow between art and science. 

Organizers: Päivi Maunu and Mirimari Väyrynen

Place: Harakka Island, Helsinki 

Please register via the link above by 15.10.2022


October 17 (Monday), 16.00-17.30 (Oslo), online

Un-earthed: Terraforming Fictions

Un-earthed's first reading group session of the fall semester, on the topic of terraforming. 

Please inquire zoom link from the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities via the link above


October 18 (Tuesday) 12.00-17.00 (Oslo), live

Workshop and Foray: Dirt Matters

Sensory workshop by natural historian and environmental photographer Alison Pouliot.

Place: Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, Room 120, Harriet Holters hus


October 19 (Wednesday) 16.00-18.00 (Oslo), live

Walkshop – Unruly Renegades

Walkshop with natural historian and environmental photographer Alison Pouliot.

Place: Oslo, Sognsvann, by the kiosk


October 20 (Thursday) 15.15-17.00 (Oslo), live

Paradigm Shifts for a Planetary Emergency: Towards an Anthropocenography for urban coastal research at False Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

Lesley Green, University of Cape Town

Place: Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, Auditorium 4, Eilert Sundts hus


October 21 (Friday) Time: 15.00-16.00 (Helsinki), 14.00-15.00 (CET), online

Book Launch: Social and Cultural Aspects of the Circular Economy

Contributors: Iris Borowy, Sabine Lettmann, Carlos Miret Fernandéz, Viktor Pál, Luciana Valio

Please register via the link above by 20.10.2022.


October 30 (Sunday) 10.00-11.30 (Helsinki), online

Small cogs of a big economy: how agricultural waste bristles and hair raised Soviet industry

Tetiana Perga, State Institution “Institute of World History of National Academy of Science of Ukraine”, Volkswagen Foundation Fellow, Heidelberg University, Germany

Please register via the link above by a day before the event. 


October 30 (Sunday) 18.00-19.00 (Helsinki), 9.00-10.00 (Idaho), online

Our Bodies, Our Minds, Our Planet: Launching the New Bloomsbury Handbook to the Medical-Environmental Humanities

Scott Slovic, Swarnalatha Rangarajan, and Vidya Sarveswaran

Please register via the link above by a day before the event. 


October 31 (Monday) 15.30-17.00 (Helsinki) 14.30-16.00 (CET), online

Grounding Value in the Anthropocene: Online roundtable with organizers and authors

Simone Schleper, Maastricht University, Iva Pesa, University of Groningen, Dan Finch-Race, University of Bologna, Nicola Thomas, Lancaster University, Alice Cunningham, Artist, Bristol, Dr. Kasia Mika, Queen Mary University London, Monica Vasile, Maastricht University.

Please register via the link above by a day before the event. 


November 1 (Tuesday) 16.00-17.00 (Helsinki) 14.00-15.00 (GMT), online

Walking in the Arctic: Personal Narratives 

Susana Hancock, University of Oxford; Elena Adasheva, Yale University

Please register via the link above by a day before the event. 


November 2 (Wednesday) 15.15-17.00 (Oslo), live

"Did we Save the World at Stockholm?" Design Activism at the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment

Kjetil Fallan, University of Oslo

Place: Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, 12th floor Niels Treschows hus


November 3 (Thursday) 13.00-14.30 (Helsinki) 12.00-13.30 (CET), online

Animals and/in Soviet Famines in Ukraine. Where Is an Animal in Famine Studies?

Iryna Skubii, Queen’s University

Please register via the link above by a day before the event. 


November 3 (Thursday) 16.00-19.00 (Helsinki), online

Learning from Doubt Student Projects 

Joonas Pulkkinen and Lauri Lähteenmäki, as well Zagros Manuchar from Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki;

Emma de Carvalho, Sonja Kilpeläinen, Kaisa Penttinen, Anni Piiroinen, Scott Williams and Spyridoula Fotinis from the University of Helsinki 

This event is sponsored by IHME Helsinki and is based on the IHME Helsinki 2022 Commission 

Please register via the link above by a day before the event. 


November 9 (Wednesday) 15.00-16.00 (Helsinki) 13.00-14.00 (GMT), hybrid

The Great Cormorant – a Bird Worthy of a Song

Ulla Taipale, Curator / Researcher / Artist

This event is sponsored by IHME Helsinki 

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 11 (Friday) 16.15-17.45 (CET), live

Reading Readers of Environmental History in Hungary – Roundtable discussions 

Organizer: Róbert Balogh, University of Public Service, Hungary

Place: Budapest (Hungary), University of Public Service, Wing Building, John Lukács Hall


November 15 (Tuesday), 14.00-15.30 (Helsinki), hybrid

When bird-feeding became a problem in Helsinki. Birds, rats and the challenges of living in a multispecies city

Heta Lähdesmäki, University of Helsinki

Place: University of Helsinki, City Center Campus, Porthania Building, Room P444

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 16 (Wednesday) 18.00-19.30 (Helsinki), online

Energy(and)Humanities. Low-Carbon Research Methods Workshop

Kate Elliott, Alexandra Lakind, Inna Häkkinen

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 18 (Friday) 10.00-11.30 (Helsinki), live

Green Karelia: National Parks and Ecotourism in the Republic of Karelia from the 1980s to the 2000s

Place: University of Helsinki, City Center Campus, Porthania Building, Room P444

Alexander Osipov, University of Eastern Finland

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 18 (Friday) 15.00-16.00 (Helsinki), online

The Human Coffee Room. Video and Seminar

Jes Hooper, Anthrozoologist, the University of Exeter, Meri Linna, Saija Kassinen, Harrie Liveart, Jonathan Salvage, University of Brighton

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 



November 22 (Tuesday) 14.00-15.00 (CET), online

Environmental History Journal Roundtable: Nature and the New Right

Venus Bivar, Stephen Brain, Rohan D'Souza, Mark Hersey, Julia Obertreis, Viktor Pál, Lise Sedrez

"The rise of right-wing populism, a global phenomenon with significant momentum in large and small countries alike, poses a serious challenge to the neoliberal order that has dominated global politics since the fall of the Soviet Union. A new emphasis on nationalism in economics and foreign policy, traditionalism in social issues, and anti-elite sentiment in public life has already brought significant changes to domestic and international affairs around the globe, with more shifts almost certain to come. With this in mind, the editors reached out to leading environ- mental historians from France, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, and India and asked them, without a predetermined political agenda, to assess the ramifications of their country’s “New Right” movement for the natural world."


November 23 (Wednesday) 11:00-12:00 (CET), online

Mirrors of the Anthropocene

More information and zoom details: lukas.barrero(at)gmail(dot)com

The seminar will present the ongoing project "Mirrors of the Anthropocene" as a situated research methodology for the study of this era. To this end, the experience of the "Rio Tinto Field School" will be presented, in which during October 2022, an interdisciplinary team of researchers, artists and activists traveled on foot, by bicycle and kayak the 102 km of this acidic river from its source next to the historic Riotinto open-pit mines and the toxic waste dump at Nerva, to its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, where we find chemical industry and its waste and intensive berry plantations just a few meters from the place from where Christopher Columbus set off on his expedition in 1492. Through this experience, these socio-environmental problems were analysed but also felt individually and collectively and alternative futures were imagined with local actors. The Tinto River basin can be understood as a pivot for movements such as colonialism, migration, industrialization, and extractivism in the Anthropocene era and other "-cenes" such as Plantationoce, Wasteocene, etc. We would like to reflect on how to capture and study such historic processes, how they are embodied in landscapes, people and culture and what they mean for the future. Through this seminar we want to open and deepen the methodological debate on the study of "sacrifice zones" as zone 0 of the Anthropocene through a multi-temporal (past, present, and future) and multidisciplinary perspective.


November 23 (Wednesday) 15.00-21.00 (Helsinki), 09:00-15:00 (Toronto), online

The Language of Transition: A Podcast Series

Can transition, the now-familiar shorthand for environmental and energy change, fully account for the circumstances in which we now find ourselves, and the tasks ahead? Does transition, as a concept and a project, do justice to the situation we face? Or are we in desperate need of new ways of knowing and new ways of being: new epistemology, new ontology?

Organizers: Mark Simpson, Scott Stoneman, Imre Szeman, and Caleb Wellum

Contributors: Stacey Balkan, Darin Barney, Cara Daggett, Tommy Davis, Emily Eaton, Walter Gordon, Eva-Lynn Jagoe, Robert Johnson, Graeme MacDonald, Swaralipi Nandi, Penelope Plaza, Hiroki Shin, Allan Stoekl, Caleb Wellum, Jennifer Wenzel, Sarah Marie Wiebe, Rhys Williams, and Anna Zalik.


November 24 (Thursday) 12.30-14.00 (Helsinki), live

A landscape remembered and remembering: Protecting the Bashkir sacred land through pilgrimages in Russia’s Muslim Urals

Lili di Puppo, University of Helsinki 

Place: University of Helsinki, City Center Campus, Porthania Building, Room P444

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 24 (Thursday) 14.00-15.30 (Helsinki), live 

J. G. Granö’s Perception Of The Environment: Sensory Approaches to Landscapes in Western Mongolia

Victoria Soyan Peemot, PhD Indigenous Studies, University of Helsinki 

Place: University of Helsinki, City Center Campus, Porthania Building, Room P444


November 25  (Friday) 13.00-15.00 (Helsinki), online

Indian Animal Studies Collective: Towards Animal Subjectivities of Waste: Street Dogs and Urban Spaces 

Susan Haris, IIT Delhi, India; Anu Pande, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 28 (Monday) 11.00-12.00 (Helsinki) 10.00-11.00 (CET), online

Human motivations and environmental development from a historical perspective

Gábor Koloh, Research Centre for Humanities, Institute of History, Hungary 

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 


November 29 (Tuesday) 15.00-18.00 (CET), live

Environmental Humanities Workshop with Péter Szabó, Czech Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Humanities, University of Ostrava


November 30 (Wednesday) 9.00-18.45 (CET), live

Green Utopia Now! A Transdisciplinary Symposium on How to Deal with the Climate Crisis

Download program (PDF)

Place: Department of Economics and Management Aula Magna - Palazzo Bevilacqua Costabili Via Voltapaletto 11, University of Ferrara (Università Degli Studi Di Ferrara)

Organizers: co-organized by Ilenia Casmiri and Manuel Sousa Oliveira and in partnership with the PhD Programme in Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing, University of Ferrara, the Centre for English, Translation, and Anglo-Portuguese Studies - CETAPS, University of Porto, and the Routes towards Sustainability University Network, held jointly with the 4th Annual Symposium of the PhD Programme in Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing, and featured in this year's edition of the University of Helsinki Environmental Humanities Hub's Environmental Humanities Month 2022

Summary: Green Utopia Now! brings together an outstanding group of early career researchers (ECRs) working on climate and the environment in various fields of study. The symposium will provide a creative space where ECRs can share their transdisciplinary perspectives on how to challenge the limits of monodisciplinary views on sustainability, and how the sciences and the humanities can join forces to tackle the current climate crisis. Each of these scientific and cultural points of view will be brought together by a utopian impulse that insists on the role of collaboration, and the urgency of positive climate action. In fact, this symposium is guided by our conviction about the importance of (1) transdisciplinary collaboration, (2) innovative research conducted by ECRs, and (3) utopian thinking and practice for engaging with global scale problems


9:00-9:30 OPENING REMARKS, ILENIA CASMIRI, University of Ferrara, MANUEL SOUSA OLIVEIRA, University of Porto



KEYNOTE LECTURE - HEATHER ALBERRO, Nottingham Trent University, UK (online)

Terrestrial Ecotopianism: Multispecies Flourishing in and beyond the Capitalocene

10:10-10:30 Discussion

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00-13:00 PANEL 1 - Chair: ILENIA CASMIRI

ATHIRA UNNI, Leeds Beckett University, UK, Green Utopianism and the Colonial Anthropocene in South Asian Speculative Fiction

FABIOLA ONOFRIO, University of Ferrara, FRANCESCO NICOLLI, University of Ferrara

Estimation of Willingness to Pay for the Conservation of Ursus Arctos: An Italian Case Study

FRANCISCA TEIXEIRA, University of Porto, Between Science and Utopia: Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Hydrogen Paradigm

FLORIAN WAGNER, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, “Along the Seam between Worlds”: Planetary Poetics in Kaie Kellough’s Magnetic Equator

13:00-15:00 LUNCH BREAK

15:00-17:00 - PANEL 2


FRANCYANE KARLA LOPEZ DUARTE, University of Ferrara, The Transformation of Cemeteries into Sustainable Structures in the Urban Environment

TÂNIA CERQUEIRA, University of Porto, “When we heal our land, we are healed also”: Indigenous Young Adult Dystopias and Interconnectedness

FRANCESCA ANGELA LIOCE, University of Ferrara, Past and Present of a Game Species through Genetics and Economics: The Case of the Alpine Chamois

DENISA KRÁSNÁ, Masaryk University, Czech Republic (online), Imagining Decolonial Futurities: Anarcha Indigenism, Decolonial Animal Ethic, and Indigenous Veganism

17:00-17:30 COFFEE BREAK

17:30-18:30 - Chair: ILENIA CASMIRI


WOJCIECH MAŁECKI, University of Wroclaw, The Promise of Climate Fiction: Utopia, Imagination, and Empowerment

18:10-18:30 Discussion



December 13 (Tuesday) 11.30-13.00 (Tallinn), online

History of Environmentalism in Estonia Roundtable 

Ulrike Plath, Elle-Mari Talivee, Viktor Pál 

Please register via the link above at least a day before the event. 



Another male only panel? Women contributors currently are an estimated 59.6 per cent

Environmental Humanities Month is organized by Viktor Pál. Student assistant: Emma de Carvalho. Select activities are generously supported by IHME Helsinki
