Register here for ZOOM link until 4 April. Link will be shared shortly before the event.
This event is jointly organized with Utrecht University, in The Netherlands. The registration link is administered by colleagues at Utrect University.
This presentation is the third part of the "Social and Cultural Aspects of the Circular Economic: Toward Solidarity and Inclusivity" authors' speaker series, that chowcases some of the chapters from the Helsinki Environmental Humanities' first edited collection with the same title. You may view and pre-order at the publisher's website.
In this webminar we will discuss the social ambition of the circular economy in the sector and introduce the Social Impact Assessment Framework for Circular Economy called (SIAF-CE). This framework assesses social impacts for workers and communities in a gender-disaggregated way. Using the SIAF-CE framework practitioners can identify impacts attributed to the implementation of circular strategies on the quality of jobs, and at an individual and community level. We will present as an example of the tested framework the Dutch apparel value chain.
Doctoral Researcher: Lis Suarez Visbal
Lis Suarez-Visbal is an ASHOKA Fellow, Fabric of Change Globalizer, founder and former director of FEM International and ETHIK; two NGOs focused on women empowerment and sustainability in the fashion industry. Lis has over 15 years of international experience working with a range of stakeholders from businesses, policymakers from north and south, around sustainability issues in the sector. She holds a MSc in Sustainable Business & Innovation from Utrecht University, a Certificate of Management from Harvard University and a BS in Finance and International Development & Finance.
Book chapter co-author: Claudia Stuckrath
Claudia Stuckrath is a consultant and a researcher at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development with a focus on Circular Economy and Innovation. She works as a specialist for Utrecht University Living Labs for Sustainable Development. She has been published in recognized peer-reviewed journals and actively participated in innovations within the built environment and fashion industry.
Book chapter co-author: Dr. Ir. Jesus Rosales Carreon
Dr Jesus Rosales Carreon is an assistant professor at Utrecht University. Jesús is part of the Copernicus Institute leading efforts to develop work in circular economy and sustainable cities. He has profound knowledge of increasing eco-efficiency and reducing the environmental and social impacts of industrial processes and has proven skills in leading interdisciplinary projects and multi-cultural teams.