DogRisk is the only independent and university-based research group in the world, which analyses the connections between diets, environmental factors and chronic diseases that affect dogs. Largely funded by donations and other external funding, our mission is to help dogs live happier, healthier and longer lives by preventing chronic diseases.
For the past 15 years, our team of researchers have conducted free-to-view research about a range of chronic diseases in dogs, such as cancer, diabetes and epilepsy. Through our research, we show how dog owners can make informed decisions about their dog’s diet and the factors they can change, which will benefit their dog’s health and help them to avoid these chronic diseases.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, our research group also made international headlines when it was part of a multi-university research project in Finland, which proved dogs could be trained to detect COVID-19 infections and subsequently trained COVID detection dogs for Helsinki-Vantaa airport.