Research projects

Current projects

Democratic Government as Procedural Legitimacy

How do collaborative arrangements enhance democratic qualities of government? Funded by the Academy of Finland 2021-2025.

Democratic Government as Procedural Legitimacy website

Promoting capacities for innovation and change: Project driven innovations in a Nordic governance context

Funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) 2016–2018. Continuous activities after the funding period.

Promoting capacities for innovation and change: Project driven innovations in a Nordic context website

The Democratic Impact of Administrative reforms – temporary Governance Instruments in Regional Development

Funded by the Academy of Finland 2012–2014. Continuous activities after the funding period.

Read more about the research project at the University of Helsinki Research portal

Partially Independent Territories – A Comparative Approach


Funding: Finnish Society for Science and Letters.

Jan Sundberg & Stefan Sjöblom.

Transformations of Concepts and Institutions in the European Polity (TRACE)

Funded by the Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro) funding programme of the Academy of Finland (University of Jyväskylä) 2015–19. Transformations of Concepts and Institutions in the European Polity refers to a constellation of mutually linked research topics that relate to higher education, knowledge production, transnational exchanges, the EU and European integration, concepts, debates, and conceptual and intellectual history. The focus of the project is on the political aspect in the creation of new spaces for action and new interpretations of struggles and debates. Continued activities including publishing after the funding period.

Niilo Kauppi with Kari Palonen, Claudia Wiesner, Taru Haapala, Anne Epstein, Anna Kronlund and Kim Zilliacus.

Read more about the research project at the homepage for TRACE

Globalising practices in the governance of higher education and research

(L’institut d’études avancées de Strasbourg, USIAS) 2014-16. The goal is to deepen our understanding of how the practices that are intended to govern higher education and research are disseminated within the European Research Area. This is achieved by investigating the diffusion of governance practices at three sites: science policy brokering, research funding, and higher education ranking tables.

Niilo Kauppi with Merle Jacob (Lund University) and Dietmar Braun (Lausanne University).

Knowledge in science and policy: creating an evidence base for converging modes of governance in policy and science (KNOWSCIENCE)

Funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation 2016–2021. The project investigates how the policy and science systems co-produce conditions for sustainable knowledge provision. It is focused on describing and analysing the interplay between policy instruments for governing higher education and research (HER), and the informal rules and processes developed for ensuring the validity and quality of knowledge produced in HER.

Tomas Hellström (Lund University), Dietmar Braun (University of Lausanne), Sarah de Rijcke (Leiden University), Devrim Göktepe-Hultén (Lund University), Merle Jacob (Lund University), Niilo Kauppi, Maria Nedeva, Universty of Manchester), Alexander Rushforth (Leiden University), Rikard Stankiewicz (Lund University), Dunkan Thomas (Manchester University).

Read more about the research project at the homepage for KNOWSCIENCE

The four seasons of globalization: How diffusion of new technology shapes human values

Funded by Kone Foundation 2015–19. The project explores value change and it s links to environmental behaviour, motives, and the spreading of new technologies by mapping changing modes of thinking with the evolving digital technologies growing more personal, social, and interactive. Continued activities including publishing after the funding period.

Martti Puohiniemi with e.g. Markku Verkasalo and Kim Zilliacus.

Postmodern patterns of values and governance? Exploring the democratic challenges of ICTs and algorithmatisation as the game changers of politics

(Swedish School of Social Science, UH) 2017–. The project explores the challenging of basic structures and functions of democracy by the surging political role of digital technologies and big data coupled with new divisions of social, economic, and technological forces cutting across public utilities and democracy.

Kim Zilliacus and Niilo Kauppi.

The InterChange model: Net-Based Interactivity Meeting International Exchange (InterChange)

(Swedish School of Social Science, UH), funded e.g. by the EU-ICI-ECP mobility projects Global Environmental Initiative 2010–14 and Inclusive Journalism Initiative 2014–17, and the Digital Leap of the Educational Technology Services, UH 2017–19. The project develops blended forms of face-to-face and online interactivity within a global classroom as an inclusive alternative to MOOCs in a setting of international course collaboration and exchange of teaching resources between university partners. Continued activities including publishing, and development of net-based pedagogical applications and international curricula.

Kim Zilliacus and Christian Lindblom with e.g. Donald Matheson (University of Canterbury) and Meng-Hsuan Chou (Nanyang Technologial University, Singapore).

Substance and language synergy in leadership training in social and health care. (Hallå!-project)

Funded by The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland 2019–2022. The overall goal of the project is to improve the language and leadership skills of existing and prospective officials and experts within the social health care sector with the help of digital and university educational solutions. The project group consists of experts in public administration, linguistics, university pedagogy and online pedagogy.

Project team members: Sebastian Godenhjelm (PI), Stefan Sjöblom, Åsa Mickwitz, Leena-Maija Åberg-Reinke, Monica Londen & Christian Lindblom.