
A selection of our latest publications:

- Vančugovienė, V., Lehtinen, E., & Södervik, I. (2024). The impact of inquiry-based learning in a botanical garden on conceptual change in biology. International Journal of Science Education, 1–25. 

-Södervik, I., Hanski, L., Boshuizen, H. P. A. & Katajavuori, N. (2024). Clinical reasoning in pharmacy: What do eye movements and verbal protocols tell us about the processing of a case task? Advances in Health Sciences Education  

-Vančugovienė, V., Södervik, I., Lehtinen, E. & McMullen, J. (2024). Individual differences in secondary school students' conceptual knowledge: Latent profile analysis of biology concepts. Learning and Individual differences, 111, 102436.

-Aleknavičiūtė, V., Lehtinen, E. & Södervik, I. (2023). Thirty years of conceptual change research in biology – A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. Educational Research Review, 100556.

-Heinonen, N., Katajavuori, N. & Södervik, I. (2023). University teachers’ professional vision with respect to their conceptions of teaching and learning: findings from an eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1232273.

-Vančugovienė, V., McMullen, J., Lehtinen, E. & Södervik, I. (2023) Exploring individual differences in photosynthesis and respiration knowledge in the context of green plants, Journal of Biological Education

-Södervik, I., Vilppu, H., Heinonen, N. & Murtonen, M. (accepted). The interaction between professional vision and conceptual change in higher education teaching – self-reports, videos and eye tracking as study methods. Gegenfurtner, A. & Stahnke, R. (Eds.) Teacher Professional Vision: Theoretical and Methodological Advances, Earli Book Series.

-Kymäläinen, H-R., Häsä, J. & Södervik, I. (2023). Factors related to study progress among first-year agriculture students. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 35, (2), 11–16.

-Koponen, I., Södervik, I. & Nousiainen, M. (2023). Lexical Networks Constructed to Correspond to Students’ Short Written Responses: A Quantum Semantic Approach. Complex Networks & Their Applications XI: Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications: Complex Networks 2022, 1. Cherifi, H., Mantegna, R. N., Rocha, L. M., Cherifi, C. & Miccichè, S. (Eds.). Cham: Springer, s. 137–149.

-Heinonen, N., Katajavuori, N., Murtonen, M. & Södervik, I. (2022). Short pedagogical training in supporting university teachers’ professional vision: A comparison of prospective and current faculty teachers, Instructional Science 

-Kapp, K., Sivén, M., Laurén, P., Virtanen, S., Katajavuori, N. & Södervik, I. (2022). Design and Usability Testing of an Augmented Reality (AR) Environment in Pharmacy Education—Presenting a Pilot Study on Comparison between AR Smart Glasses and a Mobile Device in a Laboratory Course. Education Sciences, 12, 854.

-Södervik, I., Katajavuori, N., Kapp, K., Lauren, P., Aejmelaeus, M. M. & Siven, M. (2021). Fostering Performance in Hands-on Laboratory Work with the Use of Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses, Education Sciences, 11, 816.

-Koponen, I. T. & Södervik, I. (2022). Lexicons of Key Terms in Scholarly Texts and Their Disciplinary Differences: From Quantum Semantics Construction to Relative-Entropy-Based Comparisons, Entropy. 24, 8, 25.

-Södervik, I., Vilppu, H., Boshuizen, H. P. A. & Murtonen, M., (2022). Development of university teachers’ professional vision of students’ prior knowledge during a short pedagogical training. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 34, 1, 7–24.

-Södervik, I. & Vilppu, H. (2021). Case processing in the development of expertise in life sciences - what can eye movements reveal? Devetak & Glazar (Eds.): Applying bio-measurements methodologies in science education research, Springer.

-Södervik, I., Nousiainen, M. & Koponen, I. (2021). First-Year Life Science Students’ Understanding of the Role of Plants in the Ecosystem—A Concept Network Analysis. Education Sciences. 11, 8.

-Södervik, I., Hanski, L. & Katajavuori, N. (2020). First-year pharmacy students' prior knowledge correlates with study progress and reveals different dynamics of misconceptions. Pharmacy Education, 20 (1), 94–102.

-Södervik, I., Mikkilä-Erdmann, M. & Chi, M.T. H. (2019). Conceptual Change Challenges in Medicine during Professional Development. International Journal of Educational Research, 98, 159-170.

-Vilppu, H., Södervik, I., Postareff, L. & Murtonen, M. (2019). The effect of short online pedagogical training on university teachers’ interpretations of teaching–learning situations. Instructional Science, 47, 679–709.

-Murtonen, M., Nokkala, C. & Södervik, I. (2018). Challenges in Understanding Meiosis: Fostering Metaconceptual Awareness among University Biology Students. Journal of Biological Education,

-Södervik, I., Vilppu, H., Österholm, E. & Mikkilä-Erdmann, M. (2017). Medical Students’ Biomedical and Clinical Knowledge: Combining Longitudinal Design, Eye Tracking and Comparison with Residents’ Performance. Learning and Instruction, 52, (139–147).


Master's theses in progress or completed in the project:

Vera Liippala: Farmasian opiskelijoiden epistemiset uskomukset ja asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen ensimmäisen opiskeluvuoden aikana. April 2020. Department of Teacher Education, University of Turku.

Tomi Kiviluoma: Identifying Misconceptions and Conceptual Change of Undergraduate Biology Students During Their First Academic Year. August 2021. University of Helsinki. 

Tiia Laisi: Life science -alojen yliopisto-opettajien tilannekohtainen asiantuntijahavainnointi ja käsitykset ennakkotiedon merkityksestä oppimisprosessissa. December 2021. University of Helsinki.

Satu-Frediksson-Nurmi: Luhtavilla vai tupasvilla?: Opettajaopiskelijoiden lajinhavainnointi ja -tunnistustaidot. May 2022. University of Helsinki.  

Mathilda Carpelan: Missuppfattningar och konceptuell förändring hos studerande i kandidatprogrammet i miljövetenskap. January 2023. University of Helsinki.

Paavo Kettunen: Yliopiston yhteinen kestävyyskurssi opiskelijoiden käsitteellisen muutoksen tukena. May 2023. University of Helsinki. 

Arttu Granat: Designing a pedagogically meaningful and research-based sustainability-themed VR learning experience. April 2024. University of Helsinki.