
Coronary materials and samples.

During June 2006-March 2008 we collected a large sample set of 5295 patients of whom information of coronary angiogram and rich phenotype were gained. Laboratory samples for gene and serum analyses were collected during the angiogram (Vaara et al. 2012.) Over 10 years follow up data is available of causes of deaths, new hospitalizations and from drug usage registry. Parogene-material (503 subgroup of Corogene-material with dental samples – More details from Dos Pirkko Pussinen).


Multicenter, placebo controlled, hydroxychloroquine trial (130 patients, ongoing, Identifier: NCT02648464). Blood, positron emission tomograpfy etc samples in multiple time points.


Lower leg atherosclerosis patients undergoing a femoral artery endarterectomy (n=96) serve as atherosclerosis samples. A groin lymph node is collected from all patients simultaneously for antigen studies. Samples are collected for paraffin blocks, RNAlater and snap freeze samples.

Explanted Hearts from transplantations

The explanted hearts of heart transplantation recipients have been collected from year 2014-2018 (n=30, collection ongoing). Extensive samples are available including coronary, muscle and valve samples for paraffin blocs, in RNA-later and snap freezed samples.