
In teaching, the domain of inter-enterprise, service-oriented computing environment, service ecosystem kind of architectures, and utilities for interoperability and model-driven enginering are present.

CINCO group edu­ca­tional mis­sion

The CINCO group educational mission is to educate experts for

  • enterprise engineering for global networked business ecosystem infrastructure renewal;
  • creation of tools and methodologies for developing software-based services and service systems, involving appropriate quality aspects of the services and systems;
  • developing governance facilities for aligning business and computing systems.

The CINCO group provides courses, seminars, and PhD and MSc thesis advisory on the above mentioned research issues, and works toward integrating this educational program to an international curricula. The research forums include international workshops, conferences, and journal themes on the area, both for research community and for researchers and enterprises to mix.

The CINCO group provides hands-on exercises for students and researchers to work with various ecosystem building, evolution and governance projects, as well as trying out and developing new methodologies for the above mentioned goals.


CINCO group provides opportunties for studies in MSc and PhD level courses, seminars and theses in Computer Science MSc programme in module Collaborative and Interoperable computing: see courses and lab work.

Theses topics

Most meaningful theses on the area require at least one of the courses taken before starting the thesis.

A normal procedure of getting started with the thesis is to make an appointment with the group leader and to become interviewed on the applicable and interesting topics. Each topic is crafted to the particular person.

Some ideas for themes to be refined into topics include:

  • Interoperability utilities in inter-enterprise collaboration middleware
  • Interoperability contracting for inter-enterprise collaborations
  • Regulatory control of inter-enterprise collaborations
  • Adaptive case management as an alternative for business process management

See also MSc in Computer science Colloquium pages for other topic suggestions.

Completed MSc theses

Note: for PhD theses, see People page.