MetaStem Summit 2022 at Karolinska Institutet

Our biggest yearly event, the MetaStem Summit, was organised as a two-day seminar at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, in May 2022.
For the Summit 2022, MetaStem visited Karolinska Institutet in Sweden

The Centre of Excellence in Stem Cell Metabolism organises it's yearly meeting, the MetaStem Summit, in the spring time. On May 3rd-4th 2022 the MetaStem Summit was organised as a two-day seminar in our neighbour country Sweden, at Karolinska Institutet's Solna Campus, where part of Director Pekka Katajisto's group is located. Having the MetaStem Summit in Sweden provide excellent opportunities to network with groups working on related subjects at Karolinska.

The Program consisted of talks and poster presentations by MetaStem student, PostDocs and affiliated group leaders. We also had the privilege to hear two excellent keynote talks by Assistant Professors Kirsty Spalding and Maria Kasper. In addition to MetaStem members, local groups working on stem cells or metabolism were invited. MetaStem travelled by boat to Sweden, which provided plenty of opportunities for social interactions after two years of mainly online meetings during the pandemic. This was also the first time that the lab of our new affiliated group leader Jette Lengefeld attended the MetaStem Summit. 

The MetaStem Summit attracted around 60 researchers from Finland and additional invited groups from Karolinska Institutet

Biomedicum at Karolinska Institutet's Solna Campus provided excellent facilities for our two-day seminar and networking with local groups.