Birres meets online monthly during the school year and acts as a collaborative hub for inspiration, academic exchange and advice. All researchers and graduate students working on theses in the areas of pregnancy, birth, postpartum phase or childbearing in more generally are warmly welcome to join!
Founding Member and Organizer: Kaisa Kuurne (
Coordinator: Eeva Itkonen ( To join the network, please contact Eeva.
Honkanen Vartiainen, Helena (2022). Vanhemman kokemus formaalista hoivasta lapsen varhaisen kuoleman yhteydessä [The Parent Experience of Formal Care in the Early Death of a Child]. Master’s thesis in Church and Social Studies. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology.
Ollila, Laura (2022). Synnytyskertomukset YouTubessa : miten YouTube toimii henkilökohtaisten kertomusten foorumina synnytyskertomusten kontekstissa [Childbirth stories on YouTube : How YouTube works as a forum for personal stories in the context of childbirth stories]. Master’s thesis in Social and Public Policy. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Kaipainen, Vilma (2022). Kätilöiden eettinen toimijuus synnytyskulttuurin murroksessa. Master’s thesis in Adult Education. University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Education and Psychology.
Westerlund, Vanessa (2022). Förlossningen som en arena för familjepraktiker : – coronarestriktionerna som ett hot mot involverat faderskap? Master’s thesis in Sociology. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Kukka, Taru (2021). ”Miksi tämän piti olla niin karsea kokemus?” : toimijuus negatiivisissa synnytyskokemuksissa. Master's thesis in Social Psychology. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Uusitalo, Linda (2021). Understanding the Constitutive Elements of Negative and Positive Childbirth Experiences in Finnish Birth Care. Master’s thesis in Translational Medicine. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine.
Virkkala, Iiramaria (2020). Synnytyksen käynnistämisen kehittäminen Naistenklinikalla. Service Design Master in Hospitality Management. Laurea University of Applied Sciences.