
ANEE is involved in organizing a variety of scientific and popular events.
Upcoming events


Repeating: Knit 'n Chill initiative

March 27 AMME Seminar: Ancient Archives 

May 6 AMME Seminar: Deciphering Lost Languages 

Past Events

January 30 AMME Seminar: Embodied Emotion in the Ancient World 

Dec 15 AMME Seminar: Decipherment of Ancient Scripts, online.

Nov 17 AMME Seminar: Gendered Violence in the Ancient World

Oct 31 AMME Seminar: Forays into Ancient Warfare

Oct 20 AMME Seminar: Rosetta Stone Bicentennial! Decipherment of Ancient Scripts

Aug 22 AMME Seminar: Approaches to Social Life in the Middle East

Aug 13-21 ANEE Annual Meeting: WP 3 Lifeways Under Empire. Ajloun, Jordan.

June 1-3 Fifth Workshop on Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East (GeMANE 5).

May 5 AMME Seminar: Teaching the Ancient Past, online.

Feb 24 AMME Seminar: Cultic Experts in the Ancient World, online.

Feb 4 Network analytical workshop. Helsinki, Finland

Jan 24 AMME Seminar: Modern Perspectives on Ancient Migration, online.

Dec 16 AMME Seminar: Board games of the ancient world, online.

Dec 13-14 International workshop: Network Perspectives in the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean. Helsinki, Finland.

Nov 25 AMME Seminar: Body modification in the ancient world, hybrid.

Nov 9-10 NOS-HS workshop Earthen architecture in archaeological context: micro and macro approaches. Helsinki, Finland.

Oct 26-29 International workshop on migration. Helsinki, Finland.

Oct 28 AMME Seminar: Future visions of the ancient world, online.

Sep 30 AMME Seminar: Digital humanities of the ancient world, online.

Aug 16-19 ANEE Annual Meeting: ANEE Networks - Tools, Data, and Research Strategies. Raasepori, Finland.

June 8 Egyptology Study Group: Françoise Labrique (University of Cologne / Université libre de Bruxelles): Bes in Bahariya.

June 2-4 Fourth Workshop on Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East (GeMANE4). The workshop's website can be found behind this link.

May 27 AMME Seminar: New Women and Old Men: Comparative Views on Origin Stories

May 11-14 International workshop on migration. Helsinki, Finland. (virtual)

May 11 Egyptology Study Group: Inmaculada Vivas Sainz (University of Madrid): Art on the move? Mobility of artists and diffusion of styles and iconography in 18th Dynasty Egypt.

May 10-11 International workshop: CORONA satellite images in archaeological remote sensing. An innovative approach to archaeological survey.

April 29 AMME Seminar: Food in the ANE: Theory and Practice

April 13 Egyptology Study Group: Irmgard Hein (University of Vienna): The Eastern Nile Delta, and the Beginning of the Late Bronze Age.

March 25 AMME Seminar: Revolts and Rebellions

March 9 Egyptology Study Group: Lena Tambs (University of Cologne): Studying Socio-Economic Behaviour in Ptolemaic Egypt with Social Network Analysis.

18 Feb AMME Seminar: Rediscovering Ancient Near Eastern Pasts

Jan 28 AMME Seminar: Identity and Culture

Dec 8 AMME Seminar: 10th Anniversary Seminar - Crossing Boundaries

Dec 1-2 International workshop "Liv­ing un­der Em­pires: A View from Be­low Melammu" in Helsinki. Call for papers open until July 1st, 2020.

Nov 12 AMME Seminar: Cultural Encounters

Oct 8 AMME Sem­inar: Digital Analysis of Ancient Texts

Sep 17 AMME Sem­inar: Identity in the Ancient World

Sept 8 Public discussion: "Onko muinaisuudella tulevaisuutta?" (in collaboration with Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (SpaceLaw) and Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (PapyGreek)).

Aug 26-27 International workshop “Recent Developments in Digital Assyriology” via Zoom. Registration (until August 19):

Aug 17-20 ANEE Annual Meeting: Work package 2, Porvoo.

July 20-24 Workshop "Cultures of Contact: modes of interaction within ancient communities" at the 66th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Frankfurt and Mainz. Call for papers open until March 31st, 2020. POSTPONED to 2021

May 12–15 International workshop on migration: more information to be announced. Helsinki, Finland. POSTPONED to May 11-14 2021.

April 28 Guest lecture by professor Craige B. Champion: "Empire, Colonies, and Democracy in Classical Athens". CANCELLED

March 11 Guest lecture by Willis Monroe: "New Methods in Quantitative Religious History: The Database of Religious History"

March 12–13 International workshop: "Construction of Identities and late Mesopotamian archives (after 539 BCE)", Helsinki.

Dec 4–5 International workshop: "The King as a Nodal Point of Neo-Assyrian Identity", Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Austrian Embassy Helsinki.)

Nov 1 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Exploring the relation between semantic analysis and society.

Sept 27 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Gephi and Social Networks - practical workshop.

Sept 20–21 International workshop: "Using Ancient Treebanks: Reports and Dreams", Helsinki.

Sept 12–14 International conference: "Living Communities and their Archaeologies: From the Middle East to the Nordic Countries" (#LiveArch19), Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions.)

Sept 1-8 International conference: "Minorities at the Edges of Empires", Deva, Romania. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions, Department of Research of the Faculty of History, Al. I. Cuza University, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation, and National Museum of Romanian History.)

Aug 29–30 ANEE Annual Meeting: Work package 1, Tallinn.

Aug 22–24 International conference: "The Strange and the Fa­mil­iar: Iden­tity and Em­pire in the An­cient Near East," Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions.)

May 24 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: How can we detect local reception of imperial identity and practices in the periphery?

Apr 29–30 International workshop: "Imperial Architecture in the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle East," Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions and Law, Governance, and Space ERC project.)

Apr 12 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Definitions of Ancient Near East.

Mar 1 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Museum Exhibition.

Jan 18 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods.

Jan 9–11 International workshop "The Persian Empire, the Social Sciences, and Ancient Historiography", Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions.)

Dec 14 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Migration in the Ancient Near East.

Nov 7–8 Symposium "History of Emotions", Helsinki.

Nov 2 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Construction of Identity in the Ancient World (2).

Oct 6–8 ANEE Annual Meeting, Helsinki.

Sept 21 ANEE Forum on Concepts and Methods: Construction of Identity in the Ancient World (1).

Sept 12–15 International work­shop "Dip­lomacy in An­cient Times: the Fig­ure of Ud­jahor­res­net. Close read­ings from across the an­cient world", Mu­nich.

Apr 16–20 Masterclass in Achaemenid Elamite (by Dr. W. Henkelman, EPHE Paris), Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions.)

Mar 8 Wiki edit-a-thon "Women in the Ancient World," Helsinki. (In cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions.)

Mar 6 Ancient Digital Humanities Workshop, Helsinki.

Feb 5–6 First ANEE Seminar, Porvoo.

Jan 11 Centre of Excellence Kick-off event, Helsinki.