Strategic Planning Services
Early warning component strengthens the preparedness of national civic agencies in anticipation of flood events and drought. The rapid mapping service can provide humanitarian teams on the ground with maps of the area with hours following a crisis.
Risk and Recovery Mapping service will provide maps combining hazard information with socio-economic data to support effective preparedness (service designed by University of Helsinki and University of Copenhagen).
Agricultural Information System
Agricultural Information System (AIS) empowers professional agricultural food monitoring decision-making. The AIS is a near-real time crop monitoring tool at the landscape (Landsat/Sentinel) and national scales (MODIS-based) and combines basic cropland parameters with higher level parameters such as yield maps for assessing the efficiency of resource use in cooperation.
The AIS will be accessible for African policy-makers and researchers interested in creating new products or services. It will be deployed in stages: West African Region will be the first release, followed by versions that support the East African Region (prototype designed by Univesity of Wuerzburg).