Booking and pricing

Welcome to stay at Tvärminne Zoological Station! Please find information about how to make a booking and detailed prices for different services offered.

Do you wish to visit Tvärminne Zoological Station? We are happy to customise your stay according to the preferences of your group. Don´t hesitate, get in contact and let us make the best of your stay!

How to make a booking?

In order to make individual bookings, research group or course bookings, please contact Minna Österlund. For seminary and meeting bookings, please get in contact with Mariella Holstein-Myllyoja.  Preliminary inquiries can also be sent to the reception email address

Arrival and payment

The reception in the main building takes care of the arrival and information for our guests, see  reception opening hours. Keys are returned here, as well as payments and billing when leaving.

Accommodation and food and lecture rooms and sauna

Prices valid from 1.9.2024.

Students (BSc, MSc, Finnish studentcard ) when paying yourself. In order to get the luch support you have to show your student card when paying. Double room, own linen and towels, shared bathroom.

  UH students Students from other Finnish universities
  VAT 0% VAT 0%
Breakfast 3.95 3.95
Lunch or dinner (incl. support 2.55 / one per day) 2.95 2.95
Lunch or dinner (without support) 5.50 5.50
Accommodation double room / night  15.00 46.80
Accommodation single room / night 12.70 28.60
Extra fee for own bathroom / night 5.20 5.20


UH internal & collaborators, such as personnel, researchers, UH PhD students & researchers with scholarship (work-related) / research projects with an official collaboration with UH. UH seminars / Finnish doctoral courses / Finnish high school and polytechnic courses / foreign BSc and MSc students (thesis work). Linen and towels included, shared bathroom.

Others, such as non-UH seminars and research projects, foreign university courses, visitors (also UH personnel, researchers and researchers with scholarship in free time). Linen and towels included, shared bathroom.

  UH internal & collaborators Others
  Incl. VAT Incl. VAT
Breakfast 6.80 11.40
Lunch 9.75 13.20
Dinner 9.75 13.20
Coffee & bun 3.60 4.80
Extra fee for weekend meals (lunch, dinner) 3.00 3.00
Accommodation double room / night 72.00 94.00
Accommodation single room / night 51.00 69.00
Long-term accommodation 2 weeks (single room) 392.00 498.00
Long-term accommodation 4 weeks (single room) 625.00 784.00
Extra fee for own bathroom / night 10.00 10.00
Lecture room / h 22.46 36.63
Lecture room / day 71.86 114.87
Room for group work / h 7.08 10.63
Room for group work / day 24.80 40.19
Sauna / h 36.43 57.99
Bench fees, boats and other vehicles

No bench fees are charged from internal University of Helsinki users. For users with an official collaboration with the University of Helsinki, the bench fee/research infrastructure fee is 7,08€ / 11,13€ per person per work day, depending on whether or not you are also accommodated at the station, and how much research infrastructure (laboratories, climate rooms, microscopes etc.) you will use. The corresponding fees for external users are 10,12€ / 17,21€ per person per work day. All prices include VAT 25,5%.

1 Captain´s and Chief engineer´s potential daily allowance and overtime pay will be charged from the client.

    UH internal UH Internal UH Collaboration UH Collaboration Others  
    VAT 0% VAT 25,5% VAT 0% VAT 25,5% VAT 0% and VAT 25,5%  
Augusta + Captain + Chief engineer h 227.85 285.95 283.24 355.47 Please contact office  
Saga hovercraft + Captain h 150.15 188.44 186.90 234.56 Please contact office  
J.A. Palmén without Captain h 56.70 71.16 70.88 88.95 Please contact office  
J.A. Palmén + Captain h 83.70 105.04 103.88 130.37 Please contact office  
Crangon without Captain h 43.05 54.03 51.19 64.24 Please contact office  
Crangon + Captain h 70.05 87.91 84.19 105.66 Please contact office  
Esox without Captain h 32.55 40.85 40.69 51.07 Please contact office  
Esox + Captain h 59.55 74.74 73.69 92.48 Please contact office  
Palju or Saavi without Captain h 21.00 26.36 26.25 32.94 Please contact office  
Motorboats ≥ 20 hp h 13.65 17.13 17.06 21.41 Please contact office  
Motorboats < 20 hp h 10.50 13.18 13.13 16.48 Please contact office  

Captain´s and Chief engineer´s potential daily allowance and overtime pay will be charged from the client 

Laboratory services


Analyses (coastal water samples)* UH Internal UH Collaboration      
  VAT 0 % VAT 0 % VAT 25,5 %    
NH4-N, ammonium nitrogen 8.82 10.32 12.95    
NO3+NO2-N, nitrate+nitrite nitrogen 7.33 8.61 10.81    
NO2-N, nitrite nitrogen 7.12 8.40 10.54    
PO4-P, phosphate phosphorus 7.12 8.39 10.53    
Si, dissolved silicate 7.20 8.46 10.62    
TN, total nitrogen 11.64 13.71 17.21    
TP, total phosphorus 11.08 13.16 16.52    
BSi, biogenic silicate 13.47 15.53 19.49    
BSi, filter 9.98 11.73 14.72    
POP, particulate organic phosphorus 14.54 17.09 21.45    
POP, filter 10.98 13.04 16.37    
TDP, total dissolved phosphorus 16.08 18.93 23.76    
TDP, filtrate 11.92 13.99 17.56    
DOP, dissolved organic phosphorus 22.55 26.53 33.30    
DOP, filtrate 18.40 21.59 27.10    
DOC/TDN, dissolved organic carbon/total dissolved nitrogen 14.89 16.62 20.86    
DOC/TDN, filtrate 10.21 11.48 14.41    
POC/PON, particulate organic carbon/nitrogen 14.50 16.40 20.58    
POC/PON, filter 10.88 12.32 15.46    
Br, bromide 9.22 10.97 13.77    
CDOM/DOM, colored dissolved organic material 11.95 13.86 17.39    
CDOM/FDOM, filtrate 7.96 9.54 11.97    
Chl-a, chlorophyll a 8.51 10.26 12.88    
Chl-a, filter 4.79 5.90 7.40    
O2, oxygen 6.58 8.05 10.10    
pH 3.06 3.78 4.74    

* If sample quantity per analysis exceeds 10, a 15% discount will be given (analysis order-dependent discount; for pre-treated samples 10-30 % case-dependent discount).

25% extra fee is added to prices of pore water samples.

For pricing of other sample matrix contact our head of laboratory          
Other services UH Internal UH Collaboration      
  VAT 0 % VAT 0 % VAT 25,5 %    
Acid Lugol solution, 100ml 8.36 8.62 10.82    
Filtered seawater, 1 l 8.11 8.95 11.23    
Preparation of culture medium, 1 l 8.55 10.13 12.71    
Phytoplankton culture * 14.53 16.53 20.75    
Other work / hour 30.45 37.80 47.44    
* handling charges will be added