Aivelo, T., Alburkat H., Suomalainen, N., Kukowski, R., Heikkinen, P., Oksanen, A., Huitu, O., Kivistö, R., & Sironen, T. 2024. Potentially zoonotic pathogens and parasites in opportunistically sourced urban brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) in and around Helsinki, Finland, 2018 to 2023. Eurosurveillance, 29(40):2400031. Open Access
Aivelo, T. & Lehtimäki, J. 2021: Luonnon monimuotoisuus edistää kansanterveyttä. [Biodiversity enhances public health.] Duodecim, 137(20):2135-41. Open Access
Aivelo, T.,Koivisto, E., Esther, A., Koivisto, S. & Huitu, O. 2023. VKORC1-based resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides widespread in Finnish house mice but not in brown rats. International Journal of Pest Management, Open access.
Österdahl, V., Valtonen, V. & Nygren, N.V. 2023. Tahmeat rottakohtaamiset. TRACE ∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 9:34-56. Open access.
Nygren, N. & Aivelo, T.. 2022 Rotta kuntalaisena - rottien esiintyminen ja hallinta (Rats as a municipal citizen - rat occurrence and control). Suomen eläinlääkärilehti, 128(6): 331-337. PDF
Koivisto, E., Esther, A., Aivelo, T., Koivisto, S. & Huitu, O. 2021. Prevalence of anticoagulant rodenticide resistance (Vkorc1 gene polymorphism) in two commensal rodent species in Finland. TUKES Report 1/2021. PDF
Aivelo, T. & Nygren, N. 2020 Rotat osoittavat kiertotalouden porsaanreiät (Rats indicate the holes in circular economy). Niin & Näin, 4/20, 39-46.
Kervinen, A., Hohti, R., Rautio, P., Saari, M. H., Tammi, T., & Aivelo, T. 2024. Ratty places – unsettling human-centeredness in ecological inquiry with young people. Environmental Education Research, 30(7), 1129–1146. Preprint (to be added)
Kervinen, A. & Aivelo, T. 2023. Secondary school students' responses to epistemic uncertainty during an ecological citizen science inquiry. Science Education, 107, 1352–1379. Open Access Preprint
Aivelo, T. 2022. How do age, available support, gender and attitudes affect the quality of data collected by young citizen scientists in an ecological research project? Preprint
Aivelo, T. 2022. School students’ attitudes towards unloved biodiversity: insights from a citizen science project about urban rats. Environmental Education Research. Open Access Preprint
Rautio, P., Tammi, T. Aivelo, T., Hohti, R., Kervinen, A., Saari, M. 2022. ”For whom? By whom?” Critical perspectives of participation in ecological citizen science. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 17:765-793. Open Access
Aivelo, T. & Huovelin, S. 2020: Combining formal education and citizen science: A case study on students’ perceptions of learning and interest in an urban rat project. Environmental Education Research, 26:324-340. Open Access
Lähdesmäki, H., Aivelo, T., & Savolainen, P. 2024. Bird feeding devices exclude unwelcome visitors. More-than-humans shaping the architecture and technology of birdfeeders in twentieth-century Finland. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 25148486241242680. Open Access
Lähdesmäki, H. 2024. Negotiating Belonging in Multispecies Cities: Rats, Birds and Humans as Neighbours in the City of Helsinki in Arrivals and Departures: The Human Relationship with Changing Biodiversity, pp. 85-106, edited by Otto Latva, Heta Lähdesmäki, Kirsi Sonck-Rautio and Harri Uusitalo, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Open Access