Towards a Framework for Interdisciplinary Integrative Research, 6 May 2024

TINT Perspective on Science seminar in collaboration with RESET
Towards a Framework for Interdisciplinary Integrative Research
Mattia Gallotti (London Interdisciplinary School)
Event Details

6 May 2024 (hybrid format)
Time: 14-16 
Venue: Metsätalo room 10. Unioninkatu 40, University of Helsinki

Join Zoom Meeting:  
Meeting ID: 616 5347 0335  
Passcode: 644049



Despite widespread recognition, interdisciplinarity still lacks a consistent system of research evaluation. At a time when ever more research is recognized and classed as being interdisciplinary, the need for clear and shared evaluative standards is now seen as a pressing concern in the academic and policy world. Calls have been made for better theoretically founded, more sophisticated, and dynamic approaches to accurately capture the ethos of interdisciplinary research. In recent years, important systematic work has been done to distil general criteria for cross-disciplinary integration from successful cases of local research activity and design. However, increasing knowledge of the processes and techniques through which interdisciplinary outputs can be generated through integration has not yet led to an agreed-upon framework. This paper seeks to address this issue in the context of the broader debate on integration as the guiding method of interdisciplinarity, thus contributing to current efforts towards a philosophy of science of interdisciplinarity.


Keynote Speaker Bio:

Mattia Gallotti is a founding Faculty member and currently the Head of Research & Development at the new London Interdisciplinary School (LIS). A trained philosopher of social science, he has researched concepts of collective intentionality across several disciplines spanning from cognitive science to literary criticism. His current research focuses on the methodology of interdisciplinary research and teaching.